Mystery Monday

5 Flames

Good Evening My Wonderful Wyverns

I hope May is finding you well and safe from the wicked weather so many are experiencing.

Tonight’s gem came in the form of a key. A rather old key, such as goes to a basement or dungeon. It sat in the midst of my claws and turned itself on end and began spinning this tale of intrigue and mayhem.

This is two time Dragon Feeder Darin Miller’s “Retribution”, number three in the Dwayne Morrow series. Once again I am gobsmacked but let’s get to know what Dwayne’s up to this time.

Dwayne is still an amateur detective as he continues working on his P.I. license. He’s still working those dismal cheating spouses and “Jerry Springer” type of investigations for the Bogg’s Agency…ughh…the thought turns me tummy. As a matter of fact, it’s while working one of these nasty things that he gets embroiled in a case so twisted, so weird that he’s not sure what’s to be believed. As a matter of fact, he ends up with a few bullet holes in his car from the beginning. This whole tale is because Dwayne forgot one important maxim – never give rides to strangers.

Get ready for some fast paced tale telling here. What do a rich femme fatale, a former prostitute, a murder and a nerdy 16 year old kid have in common? You’ll have to read Retribution to find out. And its not easy…just when I thought I had it all figured out, another twist, another turn and I was back to square one.

Back for this case are the usual gang: Melanie, her daughter, Jasmine and Brady..Dwayne’s not quite nemesis and not quite friend. Brady, investigative reporter of the Dispatch. I really like these characters, it’s starting to feel like visiting old friends every time I pick up a new Dwayne Morrow Mystery.

Honestly, I don’t know how he does it..each book is better than the last one. Kookie characters, hardboiled cops, smiling detectives, interesting storyline, and characters you care about and a detective who is actually human. I like Dwayne – I believe you’ll like him, too.

And don’t worry about getting into a series, although I don’t believe you’ll mind…each of the books can be read as a stand alone.

Run, don’t walk, to you nearest book store or get those fingers moving on the web and get this now. Great Summer reading for those of you going on vacation…now where did I put number four?

Until next time I remain your humble Book Dragon…

Dragon T. Longwitten

Many thanks to author Darin Miller for the review copy of “Retribution”. As always, my opinions are my own.

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