Tea Time Tuesday

Welcome to Tea Time Tuesday, my Fellow Book Dragons! This evening’s Gem is very beautiful. It is an opaque white jade cat, beautifully carved with bright, aquamarine eyes. Hold it in your claws and you can almost feel it purring it. This cat is no ordinary cat. This cat brings wisdom, luck and a bit …

Tea Time Tuesday

Welcome to Tea Time, my Fellow Book Dragons. I have a most delightful Gem for you today. It is a pearl. See how it shimmers and glows it lovely ivory pink in the candlelight? It came from quite far off to get here. One pearl of a perfect strand that once belonged to a maiden …

Freakish Friday

Welcome to Freakish Friday, my Fellow Book Dragons. This week’s Gem is freakish indeed. A fine crystal like substance, it looks as though running water had stopped, see the bubbles? It refracts the light off the bubbles. Hold it in One’s claw and you feel waves of sadness and fear and something like hysteria if …