Mystery Monday

5 Flames Good Evening My Wonderful Wyverns I hope May is finding you well and safe from the wicked weather so many are experiencing. Tonight’s gem came in the form of a key. A rather old key, such as goes to a basement or dungeon. It sat in the midst of my claws and turned …

Time Travel Tuesday

5 Flames Good Evening my fellow Book Dragons, I hope you are finding ways to beat the heat. Our gem this evening was left at the door of my Cave in a brown paper envelope. It is a Code Book. An old fashioned Code Book such as was used by those two rivals from the …

Freakish Friday

Hello my fiendish, freakish feasters of frightening, freakish fare. This week’s Gem is quite freakish indeed. Look into the black heart of this diamond. What do you see? Do you see a figure? A mask? A pair of eyes looking back at you? As you hold it ever so carefully in your gloved claw, do …

Mystery Monday

Welcome back, my Fellow Book Dragons, to another Mystery Monday…I hope you are not prone to needing a night light after reading creepy mysteries, if so, our Gem this evening may have you checking your won’t want it going out this evening. Let me take this Gem out for you to look at..looks harmless …

Mystery Monday

Hello my Fellow Book Dragons on this snowy November Evening. A special thank you out there to all our Veteran Book Dragons. Thank you for serving your country so well, for protecting our freedoms, may we never take for granted that we can sit and read in peace because you fought for us, served to …

Freakish Friday

Hail! My Hearty Bookish Beasties..T’is Freakish Friday and time for another look into the dark abyss of the weird, the creepy and the just plain freaky. Our Gem this evening is black as onyx with strange red lines that seem to form letters in some ancient language as they crisscross this stone. It’s weight is …

Mystery Monday

It’s Mystery Monday My Fellow Book Dragons. I hope your day was not too draining for the Gem this evening will require much from you. Look at it in the light. A deep purple and black, it’s glow is ominous, as though the light were coming from within, rather than from without. It draws your …

Freakish Friday

Good Evening, Fellow Book Dragons and welcome to Freakish Friday, the start of our weekend. It feels like Autumn, finally. Summer has loosened her strangle hold and Autumn has cooled it down to a lovely 53 degrees with gentle breezes. Time for something freakish to go with this mug of spiced tea. And this Gem …