Freakish Friday

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons, I do hope the month of February is going well for you. It’s been quite warm here at The Cave. This evening’s gem came in the morning mail, in a package wrapped in old newspaper. When I opened it an odd sound came out, like labored breathing and then slowly stopped. …

Freakish Friday

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons, Autumn is coming along nicely, I hope you are enjoying it. Our gem this evening came to me in the form of a tiny, pink baby’s rattle. It was so lovely and delicate with a name inscribed, Nadat. As I held it in my palm, the rattle it began …

Freakish Friday

5 Flames Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons, I hope everyone is starting to enjoy the weekend. I started this week with a package from a tried and true Dragon Feeder. The package was wrapped in brown paper. When I opened it, I realized there was a crack in the contents and it was leaking …

Freakish Friday

Welcome to another Freakish Friday my Fellow Book Dragons. How are you this last Friday in November? Curled up quietly and snug as a bug in your little corner of the world? I hope so, because your sense of safety is about to be rocked to it’s core. This evening’s Gem is a dark one. …

Mystery Monday

Mystery Monday it is, my Most Marvelous Book Dragons! I do hope the start of this week hasn’t been too tough on you, but if it has and you are looking for a bit of escape..this evening’s Gem may prove to be just what the doctor ordered. Tonight’s Gem is Ruby Red. It’s facets shining …