Halloween Grab Bag Giveaway!

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons! Tonight, I wanted to let you know I will be giving away a Halloween Grab Bag on Halloween Night! All you have to do to enter is read each blog between now and October 30th and find the object mentioned in the blog and post it in the comments. …

Author Spotlight & Giveaway

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons! Please join me in welcoming Dragon Feeder Jafe Danbury here to The Cave Welcome Jafe, on this lovely October Evening. I hope the Minotaur’s didn’t jostle the carriage about too much on your way here. Please take a seat by the fire and Adryanna, our House Elf will be bringing …

Author Spotlight & Giveaway!

Welcome Book Dragons to our Author Spotlight! Tina Hogan Grant is in The Cave with us today! She is here to talk about herself and she’s going to be doing a bit of a fun swag giveaway! Be sure to read to the end for how to enter the giveaway! For those of us who …

Winners of the Tammy Robinson Smith Short Story Giveaways!

There were only to be two winners of ” Coming Home to Jewel Hollow” but Tammy Robinson Smith, Author of The Ivy League Sewing Circle is generous and since only three Book Dragons entered, she rewarded all three with a copy! Congratulations Kathy Levernier, Jeanne Kennedy and Susan Steward Youtsey! Book Dragons join us tomorrow …

Special Giveaway!

Hello, my fellow Book Dragons! I have a Special Announcement in lieu of Sacred Sunday. Since I have no book to review this evening, I thought I would let you know about our January Giveaway! I happen to have an extra ARC (Advanced Reader’s Copy) of Dragon Feeder Danny Tobey’s delicious tale “The God Game” …