Tea Time Thursday

5 Flames Good Evening my Fellow Book Dragons. This evening is hot, humid and a storm is brewing just outside the safe and cozy confines of my cool and comfy cave. I hope you are well set with tea, cool air and a light blanket because this evening’s gem is a cozy little mystery that …

Tea Time Tuesday

Hello My Fellow Book Dragons. Tea Time Tuesday and tonight our Gem is smooth and blood red with flecks of grey, Heliotrope. In various folklore and tradition this crystal can do many, many things. It has powers to heal, to make one charismatic, talented, to give a person strength or courage, even vitality. In Gem …

Tea Time Tuesday

Welcome to October, My Fellow Book Dragons! Isn’t it wonderful..this entire month is so wonderful! The Autumn brings on thoughts of cozy clothes, warm beverages, comfort foods and scares for young and old. At the very end of this post will be details for October’s Giveaway! Our Gem this evening is by Gem Maker Traci …