Nature of the Beast

Good Evening, my Fellow Book Dragons! This evening’s Gem is going to take us back to a place we love to visit. Land’s End. You remember Land’s End, the place that looks so peaceful and yet. all too often, holds great danger?

This Gem was sent to be in the oddest little case…it looks like alligator skin, deep green, bumpy, and very exquisitely made. Expensive. Might have cost someone an arm and a leg. Inside was a dried black rose bud. This is Gem Maker S.W Frontz’s “Nature of the Beast”.

“Nature of the Beast” is S.W.’s fifth book in the Land’s End Series. But this is not the same loving, devoted couple and their friends as before. Something sinister has moved into Land’s End and it has, sadly, ruined somethings.

Sam and Sheriff Andy have grown apart. Kellyn and Sarah are growing passed the pain of losing their husbands. Delaney isn’t growing at all. And just when it seems that Sam is determined to face her past, her Demons crop up in the most unusual places.

I can’t really give you more because I don’t do spoilers, but I can tell you, there is a ‘Gator involved, there is murder and there is, as is so often the case in the South much joy and laughter mixed in with the pain and sorrow.

If you loved the other Land’s End books, this is the one you have been waiting for. It kept me up far passed my bedtime to finish it. If you haven’t started on this series, you are missing out. Wherever you are in this story, please comment, as I’d love to know.

You can find it on Amazon..get it today! Extremely reasonably priced (free on Kindle Unlimited), here is your link!

Until next time, I remain your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I would like to thank the author for this review copy, my opinions are my own.

Mrs. Morris and the Sorceress

5 Flames

Good Evening my Fellow Book Dragons. I have a lovely Gem this evening. Once again Dragon Feeders Patrice Wilton and Traci Hall are returning us to Salem, Massachusetts.

It’s Fourth of July weekend and once again, Charlene Morris’s Inn is full. Her guests are going to be treated to a lovely weekend..including a Revolutionary War play. She’s even going to video the play for dear Jack who cannot leave the Inn.

But this wouldn’t be a Salem B&B Mystery without a dead body. Hall and Wilton do not disappoint! The play is interrupted by a musket shot..or was it something else? The lead actress..a beautiful Bostonian is now deceased and once again Charlene and Jack are on the case. If you aren’t familiar with this cozy series, you are cheating yourself out of some of the best cozy writing in the genre.

I always learn something new about Salem. There is always a guest or two that make a great impression. I was pleased to see two of the nicest ladies I know are guests in this tale!

This is a series, but each book is stand alone. But read one and you will want to read them all! If you are looking for a sweet read for the beach, a new series for those rainy summer days or a reward at the end of a long day..get this series.. you won’t regret it!

Until next time, I remain, your humble Book Dragon..

Drakon T. Longwitten

Many thanks to Patrice and Traci for the review copy. My opinions are my own.

Happy Mother’s Day

5 Flames

Hello My Fellow Book Dragons and to those of you whose hands rock the cradle – a most happy and blest Mother’s Day!

Our Gem this evening is majestic! Delivered to me by Royal Messenger it is a miniature of the crown jewels. Feel the history, the heartache, the love and intrigue. This is the story of two sisters, princesses, one destined to become not only a mother to her children, but a Mother to her Country. This is Elizabeth and Margaret by Gem Maker Andrew Morton.

I loved this book. At 556 years old, I have known many Kings and Queens, and other royalty, but I have always especially admired Queen Elizabeth II of England. A woman of backbone, grit, and determination she also holds empathy, kindness and a smile among her charms.

I have also admired the relationship she held with her little sister Margaret. Margaret, that quick witted, fascinating fashion plate and playgirl who had the freedom her big sister did not. This book lays out so nicely what made these women tick.

Andrew Morton does a wonderful job (as he always does) of making one feel as though one is there, a fly on the royal tapestry.

He doesn’t make it all sweetness and light and we see the foibles as well as the success.

If you love studying the royal family, British History or the modern era, this is the book for you. Perhaps a belated Mother’s Day for your own Queen Mum.

I will be posting reviews for several women’s literature books all this month and there will be a giveaway.

See you soon! Your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

My sincere thanks to Grand Central Publishing for this advanced review copy. As always, my opinions are my own. #grandcentralpublishing

Romance Week Blind Date With A Book Winner 🏆

The Winner of The Author Spotlight with Trish Butler’s Blind Date with a Book is Jane47taylor! Thank you to everyone who participated. CONGRATULATIONS! Jane you have 48 hours to contact me at and give me your mailing address.

Until next time, I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

Trigger Warnings

Twigger Warnings on books and why I hate them: Please stop with the Trigger Warnings! Books are where we can vicariously experience things in a safe environment. Where we learn about the pain and progress of others. Where readers since the printing press have been exposed to new ideas, plights and pain they may never have understood before.
Now we have people who not only avoid in in books but who are offended by chalk drawings, must have diaper pins to denote safe spaces and college students who need rooms with teddy bears, and coloring books and crayons.
Can you imagine telling Dickens’to put a Trigger Warning on “Oliver Twist” or “A Christmas Carol”? Asking Margaret Mitchell to put a Trigger Warning on “Gone With the Wind”? Asking Grace Metalious to put a Trigger Warning on “Peyton Place”..imagine your favorite classic novel with a trigger warning..We need to grow men with chests, women with spines. Not facing our fears, constantly avoiding unpleasantness only allows us to become insensitive to others, thinking we are the only one going through an event. It leaves a person a victim. It leaves us with a world waiting to be offended. It leaves us with an unrealistic worldview. Where does it end? It ends with a Cancel Culture that rips publishing contracts from Authors because someone might be offended by what they write.
It leaves us with libraries that are cleaned out because the books have all been burned.

Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

Romance Week! Night 4!

5 Flames

Good Evening, my Fellow Book Dragons! I hope everyone is doing well. Tonight’s Gem is quite beautiful, a Golden Key, a bit scratched and dented in places, but warm and glowing to the touch. This is Gem Maker and Dragon Feeder Carolyn Brown’s “The Family Journal”.

Our beloved Gem Maker, Ms. Brown, sends us on another journey of hope, laughter and tears. I do so love her tales. They never disappoint! In this one, Lily Anderson is like so many mother’s these days. Divorced, depressed and distressed. Her Nest-Teens have been caught with drugs and alcohol, and she feels guilty for neglecting them because of her own divorce depression and working so much. Her solution, a little home comfort. Comfort, Texas, that is.

She returns with her children to her hometown to live in a house she owns there. It comes with bedrooms, a bathroom and – a renter. Mack Cooper. He teaches Vo Ag at the high school – for those of you who need an interpreter that Vocational Agriculture ;). Her children are not thrilled with this move. They are not thrilled with leaving Austin. They are not thrilled with leaving their friends. They are not thrilled with their Mother.

It’s a big change for Lily, too. She’s not lived in a small town since she was a girl. Change is good…but it takes getting used to. Mack is going to have to get used to sharing, too. No more quiet. No more bathroom without appliances, a coterie of bottles and four extra toothbrushes.

I loved this book. Ms. Brown takes us on this rollercoaster of emotion through laughter and tears, heartache and frustration. She never hurries her stories. The journey is the thing. Everyone discovers they aren’t who they thought they were and come out liking themselves better on the other side, I believe – but you can be the judge of that.

This lovely Gem is currently on Amazon for just $6.29 in a beautiful paperback. I do love her paperbacks. The covers are divine!

Remember! Check out my Valentine’s Day Author Spotlight and Giveaway – you need to read the Spotlight and Comment using the clue in the SPOTLIGHT to win! Two day left!

Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I received a review copy. My opinions are my own.

Romance Week is Back On!

4 Flames

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons! I do hope everyone has survived this blizzard! My, not since the last time I stood on the Wall has it been so cold. I am glad you are patient. We are going to continue on with Romance Week. We have 4 more Gems to review! and the Valentine’s Day Blind Date with a Book is still on…please read the Valentine’s Day Author Spotlight for details!

This evening’s Gem looks like Rhinestone, but is really a diamond in the ruff. It is the story of a princess who is broken by her prince and must carry on her journey alone, until a tiny creature in a black sweater and a pearl necklace changes her life.

This is Gem Maker Stefanie Nici’s “The Smoke Tree”. Well written, it grabbed me from the start. This is the story of Tora, who loves her husband, tries very hard to fit in with his friends and make him a happy home. And then it all comes crashing down after his accident.

If you want a sweet romance with a few chuckles and a heroine who finds her spine, this is for you! I have a feeling we will definitely be hearing more from Ms. Nici!

Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon

Drakon T. Longwitten

I received a review copy. My opinions are my own.

Romance Week! Tuesday!

5 Flames

Hello, my Fellow Book Dragons! Tonight’s Gem is quite different, pick it up and it looks like an old fashioned pop bottle cap, but close your claws and let a bit of warmth come on it and open your palm and it transforms to a beautiful piece of crystal, as though the Fairy Godmother touched it with a wand and enchanted it. This is Gem Maker and Dragon Feeder T.M. Shivener’s “A Trailer Park Fairytale”.

This is a sort of Appalachian contemporary ‘Cinderella”. Jenevieve Morrison doesn’t come from wealth, her parents are not jet setters, upper nor middle class. Her mother is a bartender and her father is professionally unemployed. Her baby sister, Hadlee, aged 12, is in 7th Grade and loves her very much. They live with their father’s mother, Murel Morrison, in Murel’s trailer at Bobby’s Trailer Park. This is not a good life.

Jenna, as Jenevieve likes to be called, loves her Mamaw Murel. She loves living where there is cleanliness, electricity and running water because the bills stay paid. As a 17 year old, she also loves her friends. She want’s more than she has. She goes to school and signs up for extra classes because she doesn’t want the life she has now to be the life she has forever. Her father is extremely abusive to her mother, there are no new clothes or school supplies and the only way to get that life is to study – hard. But as so often happens life gets in the way.

I loved this book. I loved it because it’s real. I have known many Jennas and many Mamaws. The trailer park is real and the teens are real. I am glad that Miss Shivener saw fit to put everything in this book and not sugar coat it nor try to make it seem better than it is. She is honest and forthright with her characters without making them seem like victims who need constant sympathy, but who pull themselves up and charge at life and keep going.

If you want a romance that makes you root for a new Cinderella, this is it! I am adding in the Amazon link so you can grab this one for yourself! It’s for everyone 14 and up, so if you have a teenager on your list, definitely grab this one and share. It’s available now for the very reasonable softback price of only $13.99!

Also, if you have not yet entered Blind Date with a Book, make sure you check out the Author Spotlight and Giveaway from February 14th!

Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I received a review copy for myself and my opinions are my own.

Romance Week! Monday

5 Flames

Hello my Fellow Book Dragons! Welcome to Monday, our second night of Romance week celebrating Valentine’s Day! If you missed last night’s Author Spotlight and Blind Date with a Book it’s not too late as we will not be drawing a winner until Saturday! Please read the Spotlight to find out how to win! Our Gem this evening is quite romantic!

It shimmers an olive green in the candlelight and though there is a small dark flaw it is overcome by the brilliance of the light coming within. This is Dragon Feeder R. Janet Walraven’s “Rainbow of Promise”. A WWII Historical Romance based on her parents’ real life love story and will have you needing to keep the tea kettle hot and the tissues nearby.

I loved this book. It is filled with lots of detail from the times in which it is set, real emotion and it’s characters, based on real people, come to life again. Sadina and W.E. Walraven will have you wanting to pull up Benny Goodman and Glenn Miller on your favorite music app and listen as you fall in love with the atmosphere. I felt the 1940’s closing in around me.

Sadina’s sadness as W.E. departs for his mission. The feel of paper letters, and the smell of ink. The excitement of hearing the postman’s steps on the porch! The feel of his arms around her. His heart racing when the scent of “Evening in Paris” wafts from her letters.

If you love historical romance set in WWII or just a good love story – you must have this one! Available now on Amazon in a beautiful softback for only $12.95!

Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I received a review copy, my opinions are my own.

Valentine’s Day Author Spotlight and Giveaway!

Hello, My Fellow Book Dragons and Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you know I love you and do so appreciate you! Today is very special as it kicks off Romance Week here at the Cave. We will be looking at Seven Romantic Tales. Today we are very fortunate to be spending time with our delightful, romantic and lovely Dragon Feeder, Trish Butler who has created that most romantic of worlds – Redway! She is also going to be sending one of you on a Blind Date with a Book, because at the end of this interview she’s giving away one of her delightful tales – so be sure to read this interview carefully because the answer to your dream date LIES WITHIN! Without further adieu, let’s get to it!

Drakon: Trish, it is lovely to have you here in the Cave, it was such a cold, snowy day, I was afraid you mightn’t come! I’m so glad you stayed warm in the coach and Pegasus. Dobby, my new Butler (doesn’t he look handsome in his livery? We ordered from the Downton collection) will bring us tea. Do snuggle closer to the fire and have some Turkish Taffy to warm up. Ready? Lovely! So tell us a bit about Trish Butler!

Trish: I was born in Norwich, in the county of Norfolk, England. I moved to Connecticut in the US in 1999 and had my daughter two years later. I currently work for the Connecticut Family Support Network (CFTSN) which is a non-profit organization that helps families with children with special needs. My own daughter is on the autism spectrum.

Drakon: How lovely! I haven’t been to that part of England since I was a pup and my wings were just coming on. I really must go back, of course I suppose it’s changed in the last 500 and some years… What types of things do you like to do for fun when you aren’t writing?

Trish: Unfortunately, I don’t make enough (yet) to write for a living, so writing it what I do to relax when I’m not working. Of course, I love to read, too. I absolutely love mystery/detective novels.

Drakon: How did the idea for Redway Acres come about?

Trish: I read many “Pride and Prejudice” variation novels for awhile and decided to write my own. I always thought that, though we loved that Elizabeth married Darcy in the end, did we consider that she now became his property? That was that idea I played with. More details on how this came about and how I decided to make Redway Acres my own series rather than a P&P variation is in my blog “The Road to Redway”

Drakon: My fellow Book Dragons now know you are from England, how much of where you grew up are in the books? Originally, as a P&P variation my book would have been based at Pemberley. As I didn’t go that route, I could choose where to locate the action. I’m from Norwich in the county of Norfolk but needed to be a little closer to Sheffield for one storyline, so I went a little further north to Grantham in Lincolnshire. In Redway #6: Emmalee’s Story, there’s a map showing where Redway is located.

Drakon: I would like to inject here, all the books have maps and makes it quite easy to get into the story. Trish, you do a fantastic job as well of not babying your readers. These books show life as it really was at that time. The good, the bad, the ugly, the lovely. They are my favorite historical romances of that period. That being said, who is your favorite character and why?

Trish: Helena is my favorite. She’s everything I’m not. Or maybe I am a little like her, but not everything. I admire her. I’m much more like Martha, but as everyone loves her, I’m ok with that.

Drakon: We do love you! Who is the hardest to write?

Trish: I find that the important thing when writing any character is to stay true to them. If a character behaves in a certain way, there should be a reason for that, and they should continue to show that trait unless another thing happens to make them change for good or bad. So far, Nathaniel’s father, the Earl of Aysthill, has been the hardest to write. When we first meet him, he is not pleasant at all. Although the reader does not learn why he behaves this way, I knew it from book one. When I wrote book six, which is a prequel that tells Nathaniel’s parents’ story, the reader finally learns the earl’s backstory. I’m not finished with him yet either!

Drakon: You not only write Redway: I have reviewed Ctrl+ALT+Deleted which is a contemporary mystery – also excellent! Which do you prefer writing?

Trish: Yes, my contemporary mystery is set in New Jersey. As a lover of all kinds of mysteries from Agatha Christie to watching just about every crime show on TV, I was not sure I could master the genre. Once I got an idea, I kept working on it until it formed a book. The hardest part was making sure I revealed everything gradually, not to tip my hand to the reader. Most people say they didn’t guess the culprit. I’m working on book two in that series now. It’s easier to write a contemporary novel with regards to writing modern language. However, I still have my American friends read it and let me know if I got too British.

Drakon: We are definitely looking forward! Did you love to read as a girl?

Trish: Yes! Absolutely! I grew up on an author called Enid Blyton, a famous UK writer who wrote such series as The Famous Five, The Secret Seven, and The Enchanted Wood. Unfortunately, the girls are portrayed in a rather sexist way, so I’ve only read my daughter The Enchanted Wood. I guess those mysteries are what got me started.

My mother once said to me, “Stop reading and do something useful instead.” As an adult and mother, I understand how stressed she was and she just needed help, but I laugh at how we get notes home from school nowadays that tell us how important it is for our children to read. Mum was very annoyed with me for including that in Amelia’s book (Redway#5). Bookworms love Amelia because she is a voracious reader.

“Will you please stop reading and do something useful instead?” her mother would often insist, her pale blue eyes showing her annoyance. “How many times am I to say this to you? A man does not want a wife who constantly sticks her nose in a book. Now, go and aid Gennie with the flower arrangements or practise on the pianoforte. Other than your dancing, what accomplishment recommends you to a gentleman?”

Drakon: I understand and I do think it’s wonderful! I, too, was admonished for reading so much instead of spending more time at Knight Catching practice or Damsel Chasing practice, but how can you when there are so many BOOKS??!! Do you have another Redway in the works? I love that you have written a companion to the first six. I was delighted when you sent it to me! I have not had time to get through it yet, but it looks delicious! Have another cuppa, my Dear, it’s Narnian, you know.

Trish: As I said, I’m currently writing the second book in my contemporary mystery series, but I do hope to start Redway #7 this year. This will be Grace’s book, and as with the Earl of Aysthill, she will be a challenge because she is a character readers love to hate. This story will be a bit of a mystery too! I have twelve books planned in all for Redway Acres. It’s taken me five years to get halfway, and I wrote four books in the first two years, so I will need to pick up the pace again to finish the series within ten years.

Drakon: Yes, definitely looking forward to the new mystery! I did love the first one! We told the Book Dragons about Blind Date with a Book! I thought it would be nice if they follow the link to your Redway Books on Amazon and comment below with their favorite. We can then have dear Dobby pick a winner and I will send you their address and you can send them their date! Here is the Amazon link! They can also follow you there.

If you had but one wish for your Redway Acres Series what would it be? I will put it in my special Wish Room and we will see!


Oh dearest Book Dragon

Grant me a wish

I don’t ask for much

My desire is this

A period drama

If Redway could be

A loved miniseries

Streaming on TV

Glamour like Bridgerton

Romance like Austen

The grit of Poldark

The saga of Downton

If too great a wish

Dearest Dragon, please say

But I would like to know

Everyone loves Redway

Drakon: I don’t believe that is too great a wish at all! Dobby! Have this framed and put in the special Wish Room next to the Queen’s Happily Ever After Wish for William and Kate! And that my dear Book Dragons is our Spotlight! Don’t forget to go look at the books via link and comment with your date! I do hope you have enjoyed this Spotlight and good luck on the giveaway.

Join me each night this week for a review of a Romance! Happy Valentine’s Day!