Mystery Monday

5 Flames Good Evening, My Dearest Book Dragons, I hope this finds you all as well as possible. Tonight’s review is going to be a little different. It’s not a book, nor is it a well established Dragon Feeder..this is a documentary. A tale that contains a Monster, a Knight, a beautiful Princess and a …

Mystery Monday

5 Flames Good Evening My Wonderful Wyverns I hope May is finding you well and safe from the wicked weather so many are experiencing. Tonight’s gem came in the form of a key. A rather old key, such as goes to a basement or dungeon. It sat in the midst of my claws and turned …

Mystery Monday

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons, As we continue into Fall with Indian Summer coming this week here, I am proud to bring you a tale from a Master Dragon Feeder. This tale came in the form of a mask. Not the pandemic kind, but rather a Janus mask, two faces, you know. I set …

Freakish Friday

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons, I do hope the week has been kind to you. Our gem this evening came to me through a Harlequin. I was sitting in front of the fire in my library here at The Cave when suddenly a little Harlequin appeared from nowhere. She sat up straight in her …

Mystery Monday

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons, This gem came to me in the form of a small, compact photo album. The old fashioned kind with black pages to anchor the photos. Upon carefully opening it with the tip of my claw, a puff of black smoke appeared and something akin to a small explosion rocked …

Mystery Monday

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons. Welcome to Mystery Monday. It has turned rather chilly here in Appalachia, I hope you are staying warm and cozy where you are and that your hearth is cheery. This evening’s Gem is the color of alabaster with green-gold lines running through. Like the color of young plants pushing …

Time Travel Thursday

Welcome to Time Travel Thursday, my beautiful Book Dragons! This evening’s Gem is a beautiful Emerald cut in the shape of a Shamrock. Hold it in your palm and you will feel the vibrations of decades of sorrow and happiness, pain and joy, confusion and contentment, contention and peace, sin and redemption alternation like currents …

Author Spotlight & Giveaway

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons! Please join me in welcoming Dragon Feeder Jafe Danbury here to The Cave Welcome Jafe, on this lovely October Evening. I hope the Minotaur’s didn’t jostle the carriage about too much on your way here. Please take a seat by the fire and Adryanna, our House Elf will be bringing …

Mystery Monday

Good Evening my Fellow Book Dragons. Our Gem this evening is deceiving. It looks like but a plain chunk of bituminous coal. Flat black, a bit shiny in places, nothing to write home about…but wait, crack it open, there are lines within and a large piece of something else in the middle. The lines are …