Mystery Monday

Hello my Fellow Book Dragons and welcome to this week’s Mystery Monday. Our Gem this evening is quite captivating in it’s unassuming beauty, much like English Blue John Fluorite. Many colored, it may seem chaotic with moments of great tension, but hold it for awhile longer and it calms and gives clarity. In this Gem …

Tea Time Tuesday

Happy Tea Time Tuesday all! Tonight’s Gem is in this little black box? Let us open it and peruse the contents. is a diamond ring. A small engagement ring. Nothing fancy. Something a working man would buy for the woman he loves until he can get her a nicer one on down the road. …

Freakish Friday

Hello my fiendish, freakish feasters of frightening, freakish fare. This week’s Gem is quite freakish indeed. Look into the black heart of this diamond. What do you see? Do you see a figure? A mask? A pair of eyes looking back at you? As you hold it ever so carefully in your gloved claw, do …

Mystery Monday

Good evening, my fellow Book Dragons. It is once again Monday and this means a Mystery. Tonight’s Gem is red, clear, like semi-congealed blood. A spinel made of pain and death. Frightening in it’s aspect. Dealthly in it’s form. Hold it. Feel the vibrations of arrogant ignorance vibrating from it. The worst kind of ignorance. …

Throwback Thursday

Welcome, my fellow Book Dragons to Throwback Thursday. Let us start with a special welcome to all the new members of our Tribe, if you have recently joined us, please know you are appreciated and gather round the fire place as I tell you of our Gem this blustery January evening. Our Gem is quite …

Mystery Monday

Good evening my fellow Book Dragons. This is our last Mystery Monday before Christmas, I hope you are enjoying your evening. And if you are celebrating Hanukkah, I hope you are dearly enjoying it. This evening’s Gem is by Gem Maker Martin Cruz Smith. It is a diamond, not quite polished, but cold and shining …

Mystery Monday

Welcome to Mystery Monday, my fellow Book Dragons and a special welcome to the many new Book Dragons who have joined our Tribe the past day or so! Nice to have you. Tonight’s Gem is a deep, deep purple, the color of sorrow and majesty. This Gem it’s light is dim, there is much sorrow …

Freakish Friday

Welcome to another Freakish Friday my Fellow Book Dragons. How are you this last Friday in November? Curled up quietly and snug as a bug in your little corner of the world? I hope so, because your sense of safety is about to be rocked to it’s core. This evening’s Gem is a dark one. …

Mystery Monday

Welcome back, my Fellow Book Dragons, to another Mystery Monday…I hope you are not prone to needing a night light after reading creepy mysteries, if so, our Gem this evening may have you checking your won’t want it going out this evening. Let me take this Gem out for you to look at..looks harmless …