Mystery Monday

Welcome my Fellow Book Dragons, we have several new Book Dragons this week, welcome to you! Please find a place near the fire, get yourself a cuppa and make yourself at home while I bring out our Gem this evening. Let me just remove it from the box for you. It’s positively delicious really! It …

Whimsical Wednesday

Welcome to this Whimsical Wednesday. This week’s Gem is gold and has been poured in the shape of a bullet. See it shine and glow in the firelight? It looks pure, but it’s not. It’s been corrupted and no one knows that better than Gem Maker Benny Sims. This is his “Code Gray”. With the …

Sacred Sunday

Happy Sunday, my Fellow Book Dragons! I hope you are having a day of rest if possible, I realize that with times being what they are, some of you are working and some are not allowed..I hope somewhere in there you are able to find a moment of peace and joy. Today’s Gem is unique, …

Freakish Friday

Welcome to Freakish Friday, my Fellow Book Dragons. This week’s Gem is freakish indeed. A fine crystal like substance, it looks as though running water had stopped, see the bubbles? It refracts the light off the bubbles. Hold it in One’s claw and you feel waves of sadness and fear and something like hysteria if …

Throwback Thursday

Welcome to a trip back in time with Throwback Thursday. Tonight’s Gem comes to us from 1991. Not the long past, but long enough, nearly 30 years ago. It is a gold medallion, worn, as though someone has held it and worried the original saint and his or her name completely unknowable. Perhaps it was …

Freakish Friday

Hello my fellow Book Dragons and welcome to this week’s Freakish Friday. What a Gem we have today! A real topper to head into the weekend, especially if it has been a hard week for you and you need to bury the hatchet. This little Gem sits in a glass box, enclosed, we cannot take …

Mystery Monday

Good evening, my fellow Book Dragons. I hope the start of this new week has not been too hectic. Our Gem this evening is meant to take your mind off your pains in the neck…for awhile. It isn’t your normal Gem. It’s a bullet..not your average bullet. It’s made of silver. And it’s part of …