Freakish Friday

Welcome to Freakish Friday, my Fellow Book Dragons. This week’s Gem is freakish indeed. A fine crystal like substance, it looks as though running water had stopped, see the bubbles? It refracts the light off the bubbles. Hold it in One’s claw and you feel waves of sadness and fear and something like hysteria if …

Throwback Thursday

Welcome to a trip back in time with Throwback Thursday. Tonight’s Gem comes to us from 1991. Not the long past, but long enough, nearly 30 years ago. It is a gold medallion, worn, as though someone has held it and worried the original saint and his or her name completely unknowable. Perhaps it was …

Mystery Monday

Good evening, my fellow Book Dragons. I hope the start of this new week has not been too hectic. Our Gem this evening is meant to take your mind off your pains in the neck…for awhile. It isn’t your normal Gem. It’s a bullet..not your average bullet. It’s made of silver. And it’s part of …

Tea Time Tuesday

Happy Tea Time Tuesday all! Tonight’s Gem is in this little black box? Let us open it and peruse the contents. is a diamond ring. A small engagement ring. Nothing fancy. Something a working man would buy for the woman he loves until he can get her a nicer one on down the road. …

Mystery Monday

Hello my Fellow Book Dragons. I do apologize for the lateness of this Mystery Monday. We had a family emergency with my oldest grandnestling and ended up at hospital until very late last evening. I will be publishing Tea Time Tuesday later this evening. Our Gem this time is quite a nasty thing indeed and …

Mystery Monday

Welcome to Mystery Monday, my fellow Book Dragons and a special welcome to the many new Book Dragons who have joined our Tribe the past day or so! Nice to have you. Tonight’s Gem is a deep, deep purple, the color of sorrow and majesty. This Gem it’s light is dim, there is much sorrow …

Freakish Friday

Welcome to another Freakish Friday my Fellow Book Dragons. How are you this last Friday in November? Curled up quietly and snug as a bug in your little corner of the world? I hope so, because your sense of safety is about to be rocked to it’s core. This evening’s Gem is a dark one. …

Mystery Monday

Welcome back, my Fellow Book Dragons, to another Mystery Monday…I hope you are not prone to needing a night light after reading creepy mysteries, if so, our Gem this evening may have you checking your won’t want it going out this evening. Let me take this Gem out for you to look at..looks harmless …