Mystery Monday

5 Flames Good Evening, My Dearest Book Dragons, I hope this finds you all as well as possible. Tonight’s review is going to be a little different. It’s not a book, nor is it a well established Dragon Feeder..this is a documentary. A tale that contains a Monster, a Knight, a beautiful Princess and a …

Mystery Monday

5 Flames Good Evening My Wonderful Wyverns I hope May is finding you well and safe from the wicked weather so many are experiencing. Tonight’s gem came in the form of a key. A rather old key, such as goes to a basement or dungeon. It sat in the midst of my claws and turned …

Freakish Friday

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons, I do hope the month of February is going well for you. It’s been quite warm here at The Cave. This evening’s gem came in the morning mail, in a package wrapped in old newspaper. When I opened it an odd sound came out, like labored breathing and then slowly stopped. …

Freakish Friday

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons, Autumn is coming along nicely, I hope you are enjoying it. Our gem this evening came to me in the form of a tiny, pink baby’s rattle. It was so lovely and delicate with a name inscribed, Nadat. As I held it in my palm, the rattle it began …

Freakish Friday

5 Flames Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons, I hope everyone is starting to enjoy the weekend. I started this week with a package from a tried and true Dragon Feeder. The package was wrapped in brown paper. When I opened it, I realized there was a crack in the contents and it was leaking …

Freakish Friday

5 Flames Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons. It’s Freakish Friday when we look at gems with monsters, evil or other freakish elements. This evening’s gem has a monster both subtle and evil. The gem came to me in the form of a horse chestnut, or as they are known in Ohio, a Buckeye. I …

Tea Time Tuesday

Hello, My Fellow Book Dragons. I hope it is not as hot where you are and that your tea time is more comfortable by far. This heat reminds me of tonight’s Gem. It’s a brilliant Red, the color of romantic roses, the color of Valentine hearts, the color of blood, the color, my Lovely Book …

Freakish Friday

Hello My Fellow Book Dragons, welcome to another Freakish Friday. This week’s Gem is a Daisy, literally. It’s made of some rare crystals. Carved diamond like stones with a perfect yellow center. They catch the light and reflect it back. I cannot let you hold this one, deadly you know. Oh, they lure you in, …

Freakish Friday

Welcome to Freakish Friday, my Fellow Book Dragons..this has been a very Freakish Week indeed! I do hope you are getting on well! Remember we have two giveaways currently going on..The Tess Thompson Giveaway and The April Giveaway just started this evening! Get in on those! On to our Gem. I am going to take …