Mystery Monday

5 Flames Good Evening, My Dearest Book Dragons, I hope this finds you all as well as possible. Tonight’s review is going to be a little different. It’s not a book, nor is it a well established Dragon Feeder..this is a documentary. A tale that contains a Monster, a Knight, a beautiful Princess and a …

Mystery Monday

5 Flames Good Evening My Wonderful Wyverns I hope May is finding you well and safe from the wicked weather so many are experiencing. Tonight’s gem came in the form of a key. A rather old key, such as goes to a basement or dungeon. It sat in the midst of my claws and turned …

Time Travel Thursday

5 Flames Good Evening My Wonderful Wyverns, I hope you have gotten through this nasty weather alright. The tornado here did me no harm but my internet was effected and this no review last week. Our Gem this evening came to me etched in the pearl handled grips of a pair of pistols from the …

Freakish Friday

5 Flames Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons. It’s Freakish Friday when we look at gems with monsters, evil or other freakish elements. This evening’s gem has a monster both subtle and evil. The gem came to me in the form of a horse chestnut, or as they are known in Ohio, a Buckeye. I …

Freakish Friday

5 Flames Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons, Freakish Friday is reserved for Monsters and Mayhem. This evening’s gem came to me in the form of an alabaster human skull. As a turn it in my claws, the jaw unhinged and a smell from the pits of Hades assaulted my nostrils. This is Saint Bloodbath …

Throwback Thursday

Hello Fellow Book Dragons! Tonight’s Gem is coming to us from the recent past, a mere 60 years. This is a diamond, uncut, unpolished, raw, not much shimmer and shine, but we can see the definite potential. This is Gem Maker Philip Cioffari’s “If Anyone Asks, Say I Died From the Heartbreaking Blues”. First let …

Tea Time Tuesday

Hello My Fellow Book Dragons! I am back from my sabbatical. It was a lovely break. I found several new Gems to share with you and some new inspiration for tales of my own. This evening’s Gem is quite beautiful. It looks like a pebble, so tiny and pearl like. It is an odd color …

Whimsical Wednesday

Welcome to this Whimsical Wednesday. This week’s Gem is gold and has been poured in the shape of a bullet. See it shine and glow in the firelight? It looks pure, but it’s not. It’s been corrupted and no one knows that better than Gem Maker Benny Sims. This is his “Code Gray”. With the …

Freakish Friday

Welcome to Freakish Friday, my Fellow Book Dragons. This week’s Gem is freakish indeed. A fine crystal like substance, it looks as though running water had stopped, see the bubbles? It refracts the light off the bubbles. Hold it in One’s claw and you feel waves of sadness and fear and something like hysteria if …