Freakish Friday

Welcome to Freakish Friday, my fellow Book Dragons. This weeks Gem is actually a Golden Pendant. Pure and crafted on a chain with a color painting there, a simple painting of an eye. Not just anyone’s eye, but the eye of a young woman to her love. Such paintings were popular in the 1700’s being …

Freakish Friday

Hello my fellow Book Dragons and welcome to this week’s Freakish Friday. What a Gem we have today! A real topper to head into the weekend, especially if it has been a hard week for you and you need to bury the hatchet. This little Gem sits in a glass box, enclosed, we cannot take …

Mystery Monday

Good evening, my fellow Book Dragons. I hope the start of this new week has not been too hectic. Our Gem this evening is meant to take your mind off your pains in the neck…for awhile. It isn’t your normal Gem. It’s a bullet..not your average bullet. It’s made of silver. And it’s part of …

Freakish Friday

Welcome to this evening’s Freakish Friday, my fellow Book Dragons. Today is St. Valentine’s Day and I do hope you had a good one. If you do not have a sweetheart I hope you showed yourself some kindness and did something nice for you. After all, you know you better than anyone, who else should …

Freakish Friday

Welcome to Freakish Friday my Fellow Book Dragons. I hope your week has gone well. Our Gem this evening is a piece of Amber. It seems a bit dull, but watch what happens when we hold it up in the moonlight…ahhh.. there it is.. see the glow and shimmer? It lights up so brightly then, …

Whimsical Wednesday

Welcome my to Whimsical Wednesday my wonderful Wordish Wyverns! This evening we have a beautiful Gem from a dark cavern in the deep blue sea. A pearl whose luminescent white hues swirl with a faint blue wash. ‘Tis beautiful, it is not? It has lain here among the sand for many, many years watching all …

Mystery Monday

Welcome back, my Fellow Book Dragons, to another Mystery Monday…I hope you are not prone to needing a night light after reading creepy mysteries, if so, our Gem this evening may have you checking your won’t want it going out this evening. Let me take this Gem out for you to look at..looks harmless …