Mystery Monday

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons, As we continue into Fall with Indian Summer coming this week here, I am proud to bring you a tale from a Master Dragon Feeder. This tale came in the form of a mask. Not the pandemic kind, but rather a Janus mask, two faces, you know. I set …

Mystery Monday

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons, This gem came to me in the form of a small, compact photo album. The old fashioned kind with black pages to anchor the photos. Upon carefully opening it with the tip of my claw, a puff of black smoke appeared and something akin to a small explosion rocked …

Sacred Sunday

5 Flames Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons, I hope you have enjoyed a restful weekend. Our gem this evening came to me in the form of an alabaster rose. I brought it to my nose and instead of a sweet smell, this rose had the stinking odor of corruption spilling from it. In the …

Freakish Friday

5 Flames Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons. It’s Freakish Friday when we look at gems with monsters, evil or other freakish elements. This evening’s gem has a monster both subtle and evil. The gem came to me in the form of a horse chestnut, or as they are known in Ohio, a Buckeye. I …

Throwback Thursday

Hello My Fellow Book Dragons! This evening’s Gem was brought to me from sunny Florida by way of Philly. A beautiful gold wedding band. It is glows from afar, but will dim the eye and weigh down the heart when worn. It belonged in the era of Bootleggers and Speakeasies and it’s aura still weigh’s …

Freakish Friday

Welcome to Freakish Friday, my Fellow Book Dragons..this has been a very Freakish Week indeed! I do hope you are getting on well! Remember we have two giveaways currently going on..The Tess Thompson Giveaway and The April Giveaway just started this evening! Get in on those! On to our Gem. I am going to take …

Freakish Friday

Welcome to Freakish Friday, my Fellow Book Dragons. This week’s Gem is freakish indeed. A fine crystal like substance, it looks as though running water had stopped, see the bubbles? It refracts the light off the bubbles. Hold it in One’s claw and you feel waves of sadness and fear and something like hysteria if …

Throwback Thursday

Hello, my fellow Book Dragons, let us go back in time to see this evening’s Throwback Thursday Gem. See this? Looks like Emerald and Amethyst, doesn’t it? It’s quite fine workmanship. The leaf is made of Emerald and the Grapes are of Amethyst. It gives a fine, warm feeling to hold them, as though you …

Tea Time Tuesday

Good evening, my Fellow Book Dragons. I hope your week is going well so far. Tonight we see not a Gem, but something more akin to silver, which can be melted down and turned into many things, cutlery, jewelry, crosses, things both sacred and profane. This is Jeanine Cummins’ “American Dirt” which all the hype …

Tea Time Tuesday

Happy Tea Time Tuesday all! Tonight’s Gem is in this little black box? Let us open it and peruse the contents. is a diamond ring. A small engagement ring. Nothing fancy. Something a working man would buy for the woman he loves until he can get her a nicer one on down the road. …