Freakish Friday

5 Flames Good Evening my Fellow Book Dragons, Fall is in full swing and I celebrated my 590th birthday on the 11th. If you would like to participate in my Birthday Bash go to my Facebook page. Our gem this evening came to me in the form of a beautiful Bavarian carved egg shell. Imagine …

Saturday’s Child

Welcome my fellow Sentence Slaying Smoks! This evening’s Gem is old but well worn and well loved. Perhaps when I brought it out the very first time your nestlings were too small to enjoy it or you had no nestlings at all. Perhaps your nestlings were into other things, such as shoes or ships or …

Saturday’s Child

Welcome my Fellow Book Dragons to Saturday’s Child. It has been awhile since we have had a Gem to behold here. Today we will be looking at a Gem that came into my possession not long ago. It came from a country in South America whose name was not familiar to me, probably not familiar …

Whimsical Wednesday

Welcome to Whimsical Wednesday my fellow Wonderful Wyverns! I hope this week has been good for you so far. Our Gem this evening comes from a far away land. The Kingdom of Goranin. Haven’t heard of it. It is indeed ancient. This Gem is over ten centuries old. Look at it. Looks like ice doesn’t …

Saturday’s Child

Welcome my fellow Book Dragons to Saturday’s Child. Our Gem this evening is a beautiful bit of Sea Glass that was found by my middle Grandnestling in her school library . She gave it to me and suggested I study it, as she found it quite beautiful and interesting and said it held her attention …

Saturday’s Child

Welcome my Serpentine Sentence Swallowers to Saturday’s Child. Our Gem this evening is quite beautiful. Look at it. Deep, deep pink, the color of a raspberry popsicle on a hot day when the ice hits the hot air and frosts over. If we look deeply we can see a bit of light seeming to bounce …

Whimsical Wednesday

Welcome my to Whimsical Wednesday my wonderful Wordish Wyverns! This evening we have a beautiful Gem from a dark cavern in the deep blue sea. A pearl whose luminescent white hues swirl with a faint blue wash. ‘Tis beautiful, it is not? It has lain here among the sand for many, many years watching all …

Whimsical Wednesday

Welcome to Whimsical Wednesday my Fellow Book Dragons, where all things Odd, Weird, Fantastical or Otherwise come to roost. Happy Thanksgiving Eve to my Fellow Book Dragons from the US of A. Our Gem this evening is perfectly round, crystal clear, perfect in it’s aspect. It’s light comes from within. It resembles the Crystal Balls …