Author Spotlight & A Freebie*

Welcome to our December Author Spotlight, my Fellow Book Dragons! In The Cave with me this evening is Authoress, Gem Maker and Dragon Feeder Sherrie Frontz. I am so honored to have you here with me. We have come to be great friends and I do so love to feast upon your gems! DRAKON: I …

Mystery Monday

Welcome to another Mystery Monday, My Fellow Book Dragons! This week’s Gem is by one of our favorite Dragon Feeders and Gem Makers, S.W. Frontz. This Gem is quite lovely to look. Carved in the shape of a shell, a combination of Alabaster and Nacre, beautiful blues, silver and pink, but hold it in your …

Author Spotlight & Giveaway

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons! Please join me in welcoming Dragon Feeder Jafe Danbury here to The Cave Welcome Jafe, on this lovely October Evening. I hope the Minotaur’s didn’t jostle the carriage about too much on your way here. Please take a seat by the fire and Adryanna, our House Elf will be bringing …

Treat! Free Books!

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons! I have a lovely Treat for your Treat Bags this evening! S.W.Frontz is Giving Away Today (Sunday, October 4th) and Tomorrow (Monday, October 5th) her Crime Series Land’s End on Kindle! Get yours in your Treat Bag today! Enjoy! Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon, Drakon …

Mystery Monday

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons! I do hope you are enjoying Autumn so far. It is turning cooler here at the Cave and the trees are starting to turn. Tonight’s Gem is cool as well. A deep cool blue, with veins of black spreading throughout. Feel the thrum of evil as you hold it …

Mystery Monday

Hello My Fellow Book Dragons! Welcome to Mystery Monday, hope everyone is doing well. I would like to take a moment and recognize our Essential Book Dragons! You all make such a difference everyday to everyone of us! Please know you are appreciated! Our Gem this evening is small, but powerful. It is carved from …

Tea Time Tuesday

Welcome to Tea Time my Fellow Book Dragons! I do hope your weather was as lovely as it was here. There were a pair of Mockingbirds singing outside The Cave today. Lovely. Our Gem this evening is quite mysterious. At first glance it simply looks like a sequin from a young woman’s party dress, but …

Mystery Monday

Welcome to Mystery Monday, my Fellow Book Dragons. I do apologize for the lateness of the hour, but I was devouring our Gem for this evening and after a rather excellent meal, fell asleep. I’m sure none of you have ever done that! This evening’s Gem was found in the burned rubble of a place …