Mystery Monday

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons! I do hope you are enjoying Autumn so far. It is turning cooler here at the Cave and the trees are starting to turn. Tonight’s Gem is cool as well. A deep cool blue, with veins of black spreading throughout. Feel the thrum of evil as you hold it …

Freakish Friday

Hello My Fellow Book Dragons, welcome to another Freakish Friday. This week’s Gem is a Daisy, literally. It’s made of some rare crystals. Carved diamond like stones with a perfect yellow center. They catch the light and reflect it back. I cannot let you hold this one, deadly you know. Oh, they lure you in, …

Throwback Thursday

Welcome to Throwback Thursday, my Fellow Book Dragons! Our Gem this evening is simply amazing. It looks, for all intents and purposes like a simple ruby ring. The stone is very pretty and eye catching, but not too eye catching. The gold work, simple, nothing too ornate. Looks as though it were passed down to …

Mystery Monday

Welcome to Mystery Monday, my Fellow Book Dragons. I do apologize for the lateness of the hour, but I was devouring our Gem for this evening and after a rather excellent meal, fell asleep. I’m sure none of you have ever done that! This evening’s Gem was found in the burned rubble of a place …