Saturday’s Child

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons and Book Nestlings..I received a Gem this week wrapped in an old dancing shoe. It looked like an ordinary prism until I held it to the light. Then it burst forth with the most beautiful array of colors and lit the entire library here in the Cave. This is …

Time Travel Thursday

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons, welcome back to another Time Travel Thursday. This evening’s Gem comes in the form of a $20 Gold Piece from the 1800’s. Hold it in your claw and you can feel the vibrations of a world gone by. A world where bad men could still be hunted down and …

Throwback Thursday

Welcome to Throwback Thursday, my Fellow Book Dragons! Our Gem this evening is simply amazing. It looks, for all intents and purposes like a simple ruby ring. The stone is very pretty and eye catching, but not too eye catching. The gold work, simple, nothing too ornate. Looks as though it were passed down to …

Throwback Thursday

Welcome, My Fellow Book Dragons, to Throwback Thursday, where we examine a Gem that takes us back in time. Tonight’s is quite exquisite, having been found in some wreckage of a cruise ship. It is part of a strand of beautiful pink rosary beads. Perhaps they came apart after being in the water, perhaps they …