Freakish Friday

4 Flames

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons,

I hope if, like me, you are in this snowstorm you are warm and cozy and comfortable with your favorite warm beverage and ready to explore this evening’s Gem with me. It came to me in the form of a little musical carousel. The horses were quite beautiful. I wound it up and placed it on my library table and beautiful notes began to play..then the music turned ominous and the carousel spun faster. The horses expressions twisted into something from a Bosch painting.

This is “Scream if You’re Having Fun” by first time Dragon Feeder, Aaron Michael Cook. A freakish collection of short stories that caused the armor along my spine to shudder.

I love short stories, I have since the first time I was given Kipling’s “Jungle Books”. These are very different from those. From Mr. Cook’s “I the People” to “Field of Broken Dreams” the carousel ride gets crazier all the time.

Let me tell you about three of the twenty-three tales that fill the covers of this book. ‘The Devil’s Detox’ brings a whole new set of visuals to The Eagles “Hotel California”. Bryce thinks he’s figured out a way to get a new set of chompers, he hasn’t figured on not being the smartest guy in the room.

‘Six Way’ is a triumph for those of us not so crazy about a certain city’s famous dish. Now we understand why.

Lastly, ‘We’, Spring is around the corner, baseball is imminent and Mr. Cook just gave us the ultimate fan.

If you are a horror fan and want to try something a little different, this is for you. If you don’t like novels but would love a weird read where the story is full but it doesn’t take a lot of time, this is for you. I look forward to more from Aaron Michael Cook. Sold on Kindle, paperback or hardcover on Amazon.

Until next time I remain, as always, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

Many thanks to A.M. Cook for the review copy. As always my opinions are my own.

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