Time Travel Thursday

5 Flames

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons,

Our Gem this evening came to me as a nicety from Dragon Feeder Danny R. Smith. He of the wonderful Dickie Floyd Detective Novel Series, a fantastic set of modern noir based on several of the very crimes he, himself, worked as a Homicide Detective with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

“Nothing Left to Prove” is not fiction. It is an honest, sometimes funny, mostly harrowing account of his career.

Danny gives us celebrities (who knew Ali could be such a lamb) to hardened criminals so hideous it is hard to remember this is modern day L.A. County and not the Wild West.

I read and review a lot of books, I read over 100 a year – I don’t review them all. I try to bring you, my fellow Book Dragons, the creme dela creme. This is one of those. I have developed a love for the Homicide Detectives of the LACSD. They are some of the finest human beings I have had the privilege of meeting, even if only here. Danny is one of those, Frederick Douglass Reynolds is another.

Danny’s story in “Nothing Left to Prove” had me laughing, crying and even walking away to take a few moments to wrap my brain around what I had just read. It’s amazing to me how anyone would stay as long as Danny did in a place that makes tales of old Dodge City sound like a walk in the park.

If you love human stories, true crime or biographies, this is one you must add to your library. It’s sold wherever fine books are sold.

Until next time I remain your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

Thank you to Danny R. Smith for the review copy.

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