Tea Time Tuesday

      5 Flames

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons,

I hope you are well this evening and that January has been kind to you. Our gem this evening came to me in a crystal case with a small white pin feather. I set it on the table in front of the fire and watched the light spray prisms around the library. Then I heard a small crack and suddenly a flash of light blazed the room and this tale came pouring forth.

This is Dragon Feeder Cheryl R. Lane’s fourth installment in her Angel Series. Treasured Dreams continues the Wellington family story.  I first reviewed Ms. Lane’s ‘Wellington Cross’ four years ago. She is a prolific writer who has brought a twist to her Wellington history. As you know I don’t do spoilers – you’ll have to read it for yourself . However, let me tell you what I liked.

I very much like the characters. They are down to earth despite their living situations. I liked Dr. Courtney Beck the most. She’s a middle aged veterinarian, a little on the plump side who loves her patients and the people who care for them.

The setting is very laid back, relaxed and country. No big city lights here.

This is not your usual romance novel though, there are elements of the paranormal and a bit of the darkness that is our modern world. If there is a moral to this book, it’s simply this: Family history is important and family gets us through.

If you love romance with down to earth characters, a bit of the mysterious with a touch of the otherworldly, this is for you. I warn you, you’ll be hooked and want to read the rest of the series! That’s another reason I really liked this book, it stands alone, but can be read as part of the series.

It goes on sale this week wherever your favorite books are sold.

Until next time , I remain your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

Thank you to Ms. Lane for the review copy.

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