Tea Time Tuesday

       5 Flames

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons,

I am sitting here in the Cave’s library listening to the winter winds howl and rage as rain falls in torrents, raging against the rock walls.

This evening’s gem came to me in, of all things, a baby rattle. I looked at the shades of blues and pinks and shook it gently. A soft glow began to pulse as the sound of a mother’s laughter broke forth. The type of laughter only a mother has as she watches her Nestling do break into a wide grin at the mere presence of his mum. Suddenly, the rattle broke and rather than seeing a bead, I saw a single tear. A tear that comes from happiness, sadness or simply living with the Nestlings Set.

This is first time Dragon Feeder, Dallas Louis’s “Why Some Animals Eat Their Young”. This is an hilarious, sometimes bittersweet, look at modern motherhood from one who knows.

This may not seem like a Tea Time book but it is. It is an honest look and conversation about the good, the bad and the ugly of being a Mama to small children. Dallas had three in 26 months. We get to watch them grow up and join in the adventures, the scares and the heartache.

With chapters titled Disney, Alien Adventures and Other UFOs, You Shoved What Up Your Nose? you can’t be disappointed. This is the stuff of memories that Nestlings will remember and talk about long after they are grown.

In case you can’t tell, I loved this book. Give this to new mamas, old mamas, mamas of teens and mamas of babes. I have a mama or two I may send this to myself. It’s sold wherever fine books are sold.

Until next time, I remain your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

Many thanks to Sandra Jonas Publishing for the review copy. #sandrajonaspublishing

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