Whimsical Wednesday

       5 Flames

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons,

I do hope you had wonderful holidays and that the New Year brings you many blessings! Our gem this evening came to me in an old laundry detergent box. As I opened the box the smell of cleanliness, sensibility and adventure arose. I looked inside and some suds began to glow and the book then formed in my claws.

This is first time Dragon Feeder Becky Blades’s “Do Your Laundry or You’ll Die Alone”. It is an enchanting book of a mother’s advice to her daughter going away to college for the first time. 

There are tips on many subjects and are delivered with love, a grain of salt and a bit of a giggle. For example there are tips on social situations: Speak Clearly: Enunciate. Articulate. Spit out your gum. And emotional support: Keep at least one stuffed animal. Practical economics: Manicures are an indulgence you will not always be able to afford. Learn to do your own nails.

I loved this little book. I have two female grandnestlings who will be getting copies of this book when they go to university. My only wish and hope is that Ms. Blades will write one for all the males out there.

If you have a female Nestling you love and who is going away to University, Trade School or out into the work a day world you will feel much better knowing they are armed with this little book of good advice.

It’s available wherever fine books are sold. Until next time, I remain, as always, your humble Book Dragon.

Drakon T. Longwitten

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    1. It’s really not, it’s very gender specific. I am hoping Ms.Blades writes one for males. This has me contemplating getting a small journal and writing one for my grandson with my husband’s help. Things young men need to know during their first couple of years of college. You might try this instead.


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