Freakish Friday

5 Flames

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons,

I hope you are feeling well and life has been good to you this past week.

Our tale this evening came to me by word of mouth from a passing Jester one else in the Kingdom was brave enough to tell a fire breather, such as myself the news of an absolutely evil monster who roamed far and wide murdering poor maidens. A stain upon mankind.

This is Jillian Lauren’s “Behold the Monster: Confronting America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer”. This is the story of Samuel Little. It is known that this Monster was born in the town of Reynolds, Georgia in June of 1940, nearly killing his 16 year old mother entering the world. From the moment of his birth Sam was voraciously hungry… his blue eyes never showed satisfaction.

Sam was raised in Ohio, a juvenile delinquent who spent time in the Ohio State Reformatory. His life of crime started at age twelve and wouldn’t end for nearly 60 years.

I have been reading about serial killers for many years. This is the most in-depth, meticulous study of one true life Monster I have ever read. Ms. Lauren started out to write a magazine article, she ended with a handbook for catching a killer. She’s blunt…she tells what law enforcement did right and what it did wrong.

She explains how a lot of women died unnecessarily because they were the wrong color, had the wrong job or were just written off. Her descriptions of people and places bring life to what could have been a dry read. Her memory is amazing.

If you are looking for a gift for that hard to please true crime lover on your list, this is perfect.

Until next time, I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I thank Source Books for the review copy via Good Reads. As always, my opinions are my own.

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