Mystery Monday

4 Flames

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons,

This gem came to me in the form of a small, compact photo album. The old fashioned kind with black pages to anchor the photos. Upon carefully opening it with the tip of my claw, a puff of black smoke appeared and something akin to a small explosion rocked the album and the tale came billowing out.

This is Dragon Feeder Julie Bergman’s “The Fatal Creation”. A mystery, a madman and a tenacious detective.

This is the tale of Air Force Sergeant Evelyn “Mac” McGregor, Paralegal to the Area Defense Counsel and sometime detective. Mac herself has a mysterious past and it slowly unfolds in bits and pieces as the hunt for a serial killer takes place.

I liked this story. Mac is likeable and the romance that takes place in the book comes about naturally. The other characters are believable and the scenarios with the killer are based in reality. It was fairly fast paced and yet Ms. Bergman does a great job with character and back story development.

I would have liked Mac’s backstory to have either been given a bit more detail or a brief mention and been explained more in the next book. It was a bit distracting. But, I’ll be happy to read about it in the second installment. This is a standalone story, unless you are like me and want to meet Mac again in the next book! I think you will.

If you have Kindle Unlimited you can get this excellent gem for free! Grab it quick!

Until next time, I remain your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I would like to thank the author for the review copy. My opinions are my own.


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