Tea Time Thursday

5 Flames

Good Evening my Fellow Book Dragons. This evening is hot, humid and a storm is brewing just outside the safe and cozy confines of my cool and comfy cave. I hope you are well set with tea, cool air and a light blanket because this evening’s gem is a cozy little mystery that came to me in the form of a key fob.

At first it seemed an ordinary fob with a number of ordinary keys..but as I picked it up, it began to emanate a howl like a mountain wind..then trailed to the howl of a heartbroken pup. This is Dragon Feeder Jamie Rutland Gillespie’s “Inheriting Murder”. It is book one in her Bobwhite Mountain series. I understand it recently took the Silver Medal in the Reader’s Choice Awards.

I can understand why. This is the story of Landry Burke’s introduction to Bobwhite Mountain. And what an introduction it is. In the span of 24 hours Landry becomes an heiress to a book store and an apartment building. She has money to run them both but must make a financial success of both or at the end of one year, everything goes “poof” legally, not unlike my dear friend Cinderella’s pumpkin carriage. How hard could it be?

Bobwhite Mountain is where the rich go to hide and try to act like normal folk. The apartment building and bookstore have always turned a profit. Landry is a smart redhead with a twist. She has anxiety abc at times it’s overwhelming anxiety. She is not graceful, she is , to put it politely, a clutz.

Luckily she has Adam Wilcox, family attorney to help her navigate her new home town. Things are going rather swimmingly for Landry. Adam is taking her on a tour of her new property when, as they go to the Event Room, they find a body…a very dead body …and it’s here we get to delve into the mystery. And if you are a body count person, I can tell you that you will love this book.

I found it rather refreshing. Landry is likeable and sweet, but not a pushover. She has tact if not physical grace and she uses her head. She is prone to anxiety attacks, but she keeps on pushing herself. The twist in the book is rather clever and unlike mysteries that are suddenly solved by some unmentioned clue, this one is out in the open if you are paying attention.

I truly enjoyed this book and I believe you will as well. It is available when fine books and cozy mysteries are sold. Now get that tea, get comfy and go help Landry solve the mystery on Bobwhite Mountain.

Until next week, I remain your humble Book Dragon.

Drakon T. Longwitten.

I received a copy of this book for review. My opinions are completely my own.

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