Saturday’s Child

5 Flames

Good Evening my Fellow Book Dragons,

This evening’s gem comes to us from a faraway land named Devovea. It is in the form of a shield. Holding the shield and turning it in my claws, I can feel a definitely humming that gives off a feeling of discontent and an air of despair…however this is a stronger feeling of strength, fidelity and courage…it must be the owner of this shield.

This is gem maker Linda Xia’s “Heir of Blood and Secrets”. It is the story of Scylla – the Heiress to her father’s Council Seat in the Castle, a place filled with members of the court to The Crown.

Ms.Xia spins a magnificent tale of intrigue, assassins and courage. Her Scylla is a girl on the verge of adulthood who must make tough choices based on hard truths that are verging on a rabbit hole that goes farther and deeper than Scylla could have imagined.

I really enjoyed this book. In a world where One grows weary of mages and magic, this book had something more. It has youth who use their heads, who have bravery in the face of painful truths and a hero who’s development begins here. We get to watch and experience it.

If you are a young person who enjoys reading about young people who are the heroes, who are smart, caring and fun, this book is for you. Linda Xia doesn’t dumb down, she respects her readers and it shows.

Heir of Blood and Secrets is one of a kind. Read it and see for yourself.

Until next time , I remain your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I thank #newdegreepress for the review copy. My opinions are my own.

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