Freakish Friday

5 Flames

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons,

Freakish Friday is reserved for Monsters and Mayhem. This evening’s gem came to me in the form of an alabaster human skull. As a turn it in my claws, the jaw unhinged and a smell from the pits of Hades assaulted my nostrils. This is Saint Bloodbath by Dragon Feeder Frederick Douglass Reynolds, of Black White and Gray All Over.

Saint Bloodbath follows real life Homicide Detectives Mark MacGuire and Hugo Cortes as they try to solve the murders of five homeless people. All murdered at the same time, in the same place – a homeless encampment.

I have been reading the True Crime genre for nearly 50 years, starting with The French Connection. I have always felt a voyeur at the crime scene, in the courtroom with the very best of these books…but this one was different.

St. Bloodbath is filled with monsters of various sorts. It is filled with the innocent and not so innocent victims of these monsters. It also introduces us to Knights and even an “onyx and alabaster” Witch. I didn’t feel like a voyeur, I felt like I was going on a ‘ride along’ in the back seat of MacGuire and Cortes’s car.

Mr. Reynolds writing style doesn’t dumb down for the reader. He treats you with respect and in turn, makes you respect the work he has put into this true tale of murder, mayhem and the Knights who conquered the Monster.

If you are a true crime fanatic as I am, if you have ever wanted to know what life on the streets of L.A. is really like, if you have ever wondered how the police do what they do day after day, then this book is for you. If, like me, you have been looking for a well written book that tells it’s story well, then this book is for you. Treat yourself. Go ahead, read St. Bloodbath….I dare you.

Until next time …I remain your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I received a copy of this book for review. My opinions are my own.

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