Time Travel Tuesday

5 Flames

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons,

This week’s gem is from the long ago past in the Wild West. It came to me in the form of a cactus rose and peering through it’s petals I found a great tale of adventure! We first meet Ruby and Pip in Ruby’s cigar store. Ruby of the checkered past and lover of her Wooden Indian in front of her establishment. Pip is there as a customer and at first it seems Ruby may be shot by the very woman who was once her best friend and whom Ruby had cowardly ran out on. Pip doesn’t want to shoot her, she’s come to warm her of a very bad hombre from their past named Cullen…a low down, mangy killer, if there ever was one.

As you know I don’t do cheats and so I am going to tell you how this book made me feel and not give anymore away. I started the tale and suddenly it felt as though someone shouted, “And their off!!” And I was on a wild ride through the cactus barren lands myself!

The characters are perfect. Neither Pip nor Ruby are wilting violets who need a man to save them. They live by their wits until the end. They understand the men around them and still like them, well some of them.

This is a rugged ride through the woolly West and one heck of an adventure. Does Cullen bite the dust? Do our heroines both survive?

Once again, Ms. Blakemore gives us strong women in dangerous situations with only their sheer determination to survive. Pip and Ruby are a part of me now. I love them. I know you will, too.

K.T. Blakemore, if someone doesn’t pick this up for a movie, we are all the worse for it.

Get out your coffee, your saddle blanket and find out for yourself..this is Book 1 and honestly, I can’t wait for Book 2. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get the grit out of my blanket.

Until next Wednesday when I will be with you again, as always,

Your Humble Book Dragon

Drakon T. Longwitten

I received an advanced copy for review. My opinions are my own.

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