Time Travel Tuesday

5 Flames

Good Evening My Fellow Book Dragons,

Our Gem this evening came to me quite unexpectedly, passed into my claw by a mysterious figure in an old fedora and a long black trench coat. I waited until I was quite alone and opened my claw to see what appeared to be a vintage Zippo Lighter. I flicked it open and it turned into a Diamond of the highest quality. Color dancing as it reflected off the candles in my library.

I realized it’s maker was author Craig W. Fisher and its title, “Baker Street Irregular” captivated my attention. Baker Street, where I had gone on so many adventures with my dear friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, but this wasn’t a Holmes story, this was a Spy Tale. Those brave souls of the Second World War, who often found themselves in dire straits from the people they had most trusted.

This is the story of Bill, a man who is equal parts Holmes, Bond and Whicher. He’s in the last days of the war when we meet him, ready to knock over SS headquarters to rescue those from the resistance and his fellow spies. Things definitely do not go as planned and we meet him again two years later, hunting a particularly nasty Nazi. I’ll leave it to you to find out who.

What I found most interesting is that so very many of the characters in this book were real people. Real spies, Nazis and assorted others. I couldn’t put this down. I have not had a Cold War Noir hold my attention like this since John le Carre’s “The Spy Who Came In From The Cold”.

If you only read one book set in this time period this year make sure this is it. I believe Mr. Fisher may just very well be this generations le Carre. It is available at your favorite place to buy books.

Join me next Tuesday as we travel through time again. Until then, I remain your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I thank Godwinson Press for my review copy. My opinions are my own.

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