Time Travel Thursday

4 Flames

Good Evening, my Fellow Book Dragons. Welcome to Time Travel Thursday, where we step into our own version of a T.A.R.D.I.S. and travel to another time and place. This week we are heading to Russia, year 1725. We have a Gem to guide us. This Gem is a Diamond. Beautifully cut, brilliant, unequalled, but with a flaw. It was found in the peasantry of the Russian countryside, but came to rest as the Empress of Russia. This is Gem Maker Ellen Alpsten’s “Tsarina”.

This is the story of Marta Helena Skowrońska or as we know her, Catherine the Great, of whom Voltaire said, “She lead a life that was nearly as extraordinary as that of her husband, Peter.” She is not a weak woman. No woman born that time who survived to adulthood was a weak woman, but she had to be stronger still. She would suffer abuse of every kind, she would suffer humiliation, and she would learn to play the political games from her husband all the men at court, better than they themselves could play it.

Ms. Alpsten makes that clear. She brings not only the Tsarina but Russia to life and I was hooked from start to finish. This was a volume that would have made Tolstoy proud.

If you love Russian history or know someone who does, this is the gift to give. Be forewarned, this is not politically correct, this is not toned down, this is Catherine’s life in graphic detail. Sex, lies, greed, murder, intrigue…it’s all there and there is no stone left unturned.

Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I received a copy of this book from St. Martins Press via Goodreads. My opinions are my own.

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