Time Travel Thursday

5 Flames

Hello My Fellow Book Dragons, Today our Gem is not a book but is an Oddity I have followed for sometime. It started as a series of stories one could read on YouTube and then could watch and listen to. Historical creepiness, the macabre, the weird, those little things outside the norm that make life more interesting. Here are true crimes, ghost stories, historical figures society maidens and more.

You will find here the true story of Peter Kurtin – the Vampire or Hans Schmidt – the malevolent priest. Actual ghostly encounters such as the Haunting of the Empire State Building, or A Haunting – a True Ghost Story. And all the stories are narrated in such a manner they draw you in, they keep you listening and coming back for more. The animation is superb; don’t look away – you will definitely miss something.

The man behind Obsolete Oddities is a bit of a mystery himself. He does post short films of trips he takes and stories of his own odd moments. If you like reading and listening about the roads less travelled, the paths not taken, the sadder, seamier side of life this is for you. He does have patreon content as well now, but you can still listen for free.


Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

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