Freakish Friday

5 Flames

Good Evening, My fellow Book Dragons! I hope you have lots of fun and freakish, frightening things planned for this weekend. Let’s start off with this Gem. It doesn’t look like a Gem at first glance, it actually looks like nothing more than a plain, wooden cross. Simplistic, old, worn. Nothing out of the ordinary. Ahh.. but you’d be very, very wrong. This Cross combined with Faith and Prayer will send the vilest daemon back to the very pits of Hell from whence it crawled.

This is Gem Maker David Clark’s “The Ghosts of Miller’s Crossing”. I have always wanted to read a Tale where the Hero does not lose his Faith. He can question it, examine it..but not lose it or chalk it up to hocus pocus. I have always wanted to read a Tale where daemon’s are as described throughout Theological History, not Hollywood jump scares. I have always wanted to read a Tale where Faith is the focus and not sex, drugs or rock n’ roll if you get my meaning. “The Ghosts of Miller’s Crossing” is the Tale I have waited a lifetime to find. This book will hold it’s own against Frank E. Peretti, William Peter Blatty and others.

This is the story of Edward Meyer and his family. Not just his two children whom he still adores and is trying to build a life for after the death of their mother, but his entire family, going back generations. But our Edward is not your typical family man and Literature Teacher. He all his life he has seen things he believes are not there. He sees Spirits. He sees them the way you or I would see our neighbor or our Aunt Hattie or Uncle Onerous. He just doesn’t talk about them…anymore.

You see talking about them got him put in a place where some of the rooms have padded wallpaper and the jackets have shiney buckles up the back. Where someone peeks in the little window at you and a nurse gives you pills each day. He spent his teen years there. So Edward just keeps that tidbit to himself. That is until he returns to Miller’s Crossing, his old hometown to finish raising his kids. Seems Eddie left a lot more than old memories behind.

I loved this book, it hooked me on the first sentence. The characters are very believable, conversation is fluid and nothing is so over the top that it isn’t believable based upon the premise of the book. I do very much appreciate the fact that Edward’s teenage daughter is very much a teenager but she is not an unlikable one. Too often these days teens in books are all about talking back, angst and having as much sex as possible. Edward’s daughter is real. She’s trying to be an adult in a world she sees but doesn’t quite understand. The secondary characters are likable and I wanted to get to know more about them as well.

This book actual gave me the creeps and Alligator Bumps. I kept the oil lamp burning a bit longer than usual. I loved this book and strongly urge you to pick it up and read it before Halloween, or very soon, because I believe there may be a sequel in the works.

REMEMBER, read the blogs for clues! Comment below when you think you have found it!

Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon

Drakon T. Longwitten

I won a copy of this book in a Facebook Contest. My opinions are my own.

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  1. If I’m supposed to be seeing something, I see like a girl on top of the house , kind of leaning and her eye and mouth are the black birds, and to the right of her I see maybe a dragon.


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