Tea Time Tuesday with a Twist

5 Flames

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons and welcome to Tea Time Tuesday! What is the Twist, I hear you asking…ahhh.. a beautiful collection of Gems for your Tea Time pleasure. Here in lay some of the greatest Dragon Feeders and Gem Makers of all time. This time of year when the wind howls like a banshee and the Autumn Moon shines bright, when at night the trees twist into shapes obscene and Jack O’Lanterns glow with eerie light, this is the time for a good old-fashioned Ghost Story or three.

This is Michael Cox and R.A. Gilbert’s “The Oxford Book of English Ghost Stories” and not a finer collection will you find. One of my favorites is M.R. James ” Oh,Whistle and I’ll Come to You My Lad”. It brings a whole new meaning to I will always be there for you. But there are so many, many more it really is hard to choose a favorite. Because I also loved Bram Stoker’s ” The Judge’s House” and Edith Warton’s “Mr. Jones”. There are so many to choose from, 42 to be exact, that you will be up several nights with a light on and the covers over your head.

If you want a cornucopia of scares, this is the place to come. All neat and tidy for you to leave your mind scattered like a lawn covered in multicolored leaves. Do you hear that? I believe the book is calling? It’s available now on Amazon and several used books stores. I purchased mine at a used book seller last Spring and have begun reading with gusto of late.

Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I purchased a used copy for my library.

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