Freakish Friday

5 Flames

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons. Welcome to Freakish Friday…and our latest Gem. Dragon Feeder Michael Clark’s Anger is An Acid. This Gem is pulsing black and green and red. Will it explode? Covering us with acid that burns for eternity or at least as long as Mildred walks the earth and stalks those who have wronged her?

Yes, Mildred Wells is back and she’s angry, she’s bitter and she’s out for revenge. After all, her love left her high and dry to go fight in Mr. Lincoln’s silly old war. Her son has been taking by strangers to rest with that no good husband of hers and she’s holding all the cards in the deck. She’s going to make Tim pay for helping that no good Thomas.

This is Clark at his best. I sat up far into the night with this one, bleary eyed, the terror palpable, the taste of fear like copper upon my tongue that not even two pots of tea could wash away. I swear I could almost smell Mildred approaching, hearing the sound of buzzing flies as she neared.

If you are looking for a Halloween read and have not read this trilogy, you must. You have time before the 31st and I guarantee the only thing you will regret is not getting these sooner.

All three are on Kindle Unlimited for FREE or …in paperback for $11.99 each. I do so suggest that you order directly from Mr. Clark and get them autographed. You’ll want to read this series more than once! You’ll definitely want to visit his website at any rate.

Remember to look for the clue to the Treat Giveaway and check out my other posts this month for goodies and treats! Until tomorrow I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I purchased the Collector’s Edition for my own personal library. My opinions are my own.

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