Halloween Grab Bag Giveaway!

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons! Tonight, I wanted to let you know I will be giving away a Halloween Grab Bag on Halloween Night! All you have to do to enter is read each blog between now and October 30th and find the object mentioned in the blog and post it in the comments. There will be 12 items in the bag! So some nights there may be no item at all!

The item will be italicized, so it won’t be like finding a Knight at a Joust or a needle in a haystack, but it should be fun! Tell me some items you might like to see in the bag! The winner will be announced on November 1st!

Check out last night’s Author Spotlight and Giveaway. Jafe Danbury is giving away 5 Autographed copies of his book THE OTHER CHEEK, exclusively on this blog …you can’t enter anywhere else!

Be sure you enter in the Birthday Giveaway mentioned earlier in the month! I have extended it until the end of next week!

Next week on Time Travel Thursday I will be reviewing Kim Taylor Blakemore’s new book “After Alice Fell” and she is also going to be giving away some goodies exclusively here, so be sure to catch that!

Unfortunately, due to postage costs, all contests are in the US only.

Don’t you love Treats with no Tricks???

Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

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