Time Travel Thursday

Five Flames

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons! Welcome to October and our first Gem of this new month. This Gem is a deep red with ugly black veins on the surface, but to really appreciate it this Gem must be cracked open, because within suddenly shoots forth a brilliant light.

This is Gem Maker Hervie Haufler’s “The Spies Who Never Were”. Haufler takes us inside the network of double agents. Men and women who risked life and limb to work against the NAZI machine by working within it. Many of these people were amazingly smart, steady of nerve and actors worthy of awards galore.

These agents had been “turned”. Having worked for the NAZIs they were captured and became agents for the British. You’ll be introduced a playboy agent code named “Tricycle” – said to be Ian Fleming’s model for Bond, James Bond. “Tate” who was so good at deception he received Germany’s greatest medal The Iron Cross. One of my personal favorites was “Garbo”, so named because he was so good at impersonations he had the SS paying agents that didn’t even exist!

This entire book is filled with intrigue, adventure and amazing tales. Pictures include weaponry, a “spy coat” to match anything Q could ready up for the early James Bond and assorted spy-ly accoutrements.

If you are a WWII buff, love spy novels and intrigue or just history itself, this is the book for you.

Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I purchased this book for my personal library. My opinions are my own.

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