Upcoming Events!

Good Evening, My Fellow Book Dragons! Tomorrow starts a new month and one of my favorites! October! The month of the Dragon Fire Opal, my Birthday, Columbus Day and Halloween! To start it off right, I wanted to announce some of the wonderful things that will be happening all month long!

We will have not ONE but FOUR giveaways! Two by two of our favorite Dragon Feeders! and Two by Me! Check back daily so you do not miss them! We will also have Two Author Spotlights! They will shine like Jack O’Lanterns on Halloween Night!

I will also be reviewing several creepy, thrilling, Chillers by some new and old Dragon Feeders to help you get in the mood for a ghastly, ghostly holiday treat.

Remember, check each and every day! Invite your fiends and family, your ghoul friends and boo friends…this will be a month to remember!

Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

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