Author Spotlight & Giveaway!

Welcome Book Dragons to our Author Spotlight! Tina Hogan Grant is in The Cave with us today! She is here to talk about herself and she’s going to be doing a bit of a fun swag giveaway! Be sure to read to the end for how to enter the giveaway! For those of us who have read the books of this lovely Gem Maker and Dragon Feeder we remember well “Reckless Beginnings”, the story of a teenage English girl, Tammy, who comes to America to live with her father and hopefully find her lost older sister. The follow up to this is “Better Endings” which guides us through Tammy’s journey to become the adult she wishes to be for herself and her son.

Tina also has two other books, “Slater” and “Eve”, which are “very sexy romance” books. She is a writer of many talents! And we are so fortunate to have her with us in The Cave today! She will also be giving us some insight into what makes this very adventuresome Dragon Feeder who she is! Isn’t that wonderful? I am so excited! She is here with me in front of the fire and we are practicing Social Distancing. She is on the other side of my Library. I talked two of my House Elf friends into serving tea and even though they have been freed, they were very willing to help because they love Tina’s books as well! Thanks to Dobby and Dibbly for their services.

“Tina, thank you again for coming! You’re first two books were so delightful and the covers with the redheads were perfect! Thank you for joining us today. I know you are busy so we can get started right away. My first question for you is that you were just a 16 when you came over from England and barely 17 when you left your Dad’s home. What was the biggest difference you noticed between cultures for teens?

“Drakon, being a teenager, I had just discovered alcohol when I turned 16 in England and had been drinking in pubs for just over a year only to discover in America the drinking age was 21. That was a big damper for me as a teenager.” “The other issue I had difficulties with was losing my independence after I had lived on my own for just over a year. When I moved to the states I moved in with my dad and had to live by his rules and depended on him for everything. It was quite an adjustment.”

“Oh my, Tina, I am sure that would be, so in many ways you would have been much more mature that many American teens at that time.” “When you were struggling all those years ago, did you ever imagine your life turning out as it has? “

“No, is the short answer, Drakon. Without a doubt I knew I wanted a better life for my son and I, but I was so wrapped up in a life that was being dictated and controlled by an addict that I had no idea how to achieve that. I had such low self-esteem and found myself just settling instead of striving for more. But the wanting became stronger than that settling and I eventually realized that I did have choices and it was to me to make better ones. But it wasn’t easy and for awhile I doubted myself but I knew what I wanted and when you cling to hope and are driven by determination anything is possible!”

“ How wonderfully put! I do believe many of our fellow Book Dragons will take inspiration from your words! So, Tina, in light of this, what has changed the most about you personally over the years?”

“Drakon, without a doubt I am a much stronger person and I’ve actually gotten to know me over the years and it turns out I like myself…haha..I tolerate a lot less than I did in my younger years. Because I lived a nightmare with a heroin addict, I have zero tolerance for drugs and I am able to read people pretty well. I know when I’m being used and whereas in the past I would think I was helping someone, now I know how to say no. I’m not afraid to speak my mind and I refuse to change for anyone. It took me years to get my life back and I won’t allow anyone to take it away from me.”

“How very true, my Dear! I believe that adage about wisdom coming with age for most of us, but what most don’t realize is, you have to live through a lot of battles to gain the age to get to the wisdom. So when did you decide to tell your story through Tammy and why?”

“During the terrible years of my life when I lived with a heroin addict, the father of my son, I hunted for books written by other women that found themselves in the same predicament as myself but came up short. I only found “How to Books.” but they were not the voices I wanted to hear. I wanted to know how others coped? What did they do? What were their everyday lives like? I had so many unanswered questions.
That was when the seed was planted for my debut novel, ‘RECKLESS BEGINNINGS’. But it didn’t happen right away. I tucked it away and continued on with my battles in life.
I later met my husband and joined him on an adventure at sea as a commercial fisherwoman for ten years. (The most brilliant times of my life by the way – thus far.) But when my father died and I had a battle with cancer, I felt it was time I got serious about the book. Twenty years later, it was finally published on October 4th, 2018.

While writing the book, I wanted it to read like a story and not a memoir and created the main character, Tammy Mellows. Names, places, and facts about certain events have been altered. Tammy Mellows is based on me and the story begins with the disappearance of her sister. It continues with the chaos that later happens in her own life and what she does to take a stand and take her life by the reins again.
It is a book that is close to my heart and at times it was hard to write, because I had to relive some of the events that I had for many years, slammed the door shut.

Ironically when I had finished the book I realized I still had more to say and the second book, ‘Better Endings’ was written and was released January 2020. I am now writing the third book titled, ‘The Reunions’..yes, I still have more to say..haha.. I believe this will be that last book in the series. ”

“ You certainly did a wonderful job. The path we take can be a long one! And I am so glad to hear we Dragons will get fed at least one more time! I can’t wait! You have been so kind today, and I know you are very busy, but I have just a few more questions for you. With all of the homeschooling going on right now due to Covid, many children are doing more reading at home. Did you enjoy reading when you were a child?”

“Drakon, oh yes I began reading at an early age. I think I was four or five. My dad was an author and we grew up with no TV. Evenings were spent reading or playing board games. So thank you dad for showing me the joy of books.”

“How lovely! Tina, did you have a mentor or someone to help you through the writing process? Or did you just “wing it”?

“My dad will always be my mentor when it comes to my writing. Growing up I watched him become a successful author by working late into the night while holding down a day job to support his family. After his third novel he was able to quit his day job in artificial intelligence and write full-time. He went on to write 36 books.

When I was writing my own book, my husband was 100% behind me and supported me anyway he could whether it be taking care of the chores around the house or sacrificing time together so I could spend time writing. “

“That is so wonderful! Having all that support and love! This is going to sound redundant now I am sure, but I’ll ask it anyway. Who is your biggest supporter? Or if you wish, you can answer this one: What is your best push to keep writing?”

“I’ll answer both questions. My biggest supporter is not only my husband but the rest of my family. My son, daughter-in-law, my sisters and not to mention all the family on my husband’s side. They are eager to tell their family and friends when I have a new book coming out and have never questioned my decision late in life to become a writer. Sadly my mother and father passed before I wrote my first book but I know they would have been my best supporters too.”

“My best push to keep writing is because I want to succeed. I have no intentions of being a fly-by author. I’m here to stay. I love what I’m doing and I have so many ideas in my head that need to be written and shared with all the amazing readers I have met since I started this journey. Having that drive to share my stories keeps me writing everyday. Because the sooner they are written then the sooner my readers will be able to enjoy them.”

“Tina, that is absolutely terrific! So this is the final question and it’s in the form of a wish. If you had one wish for your ‘Tammy’ books, what would it be?”

“When I decided to write my first book, I wrote it as a voice to other women who found themselves caught up in the life of an addict. I wrote it to reach out to them to make them realize they didn’t have to settle and that they had choices. I wanted them to know that they were capable of making a change. Book two, ‘Better Endings’, shows you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. Again I wanted to reach women. If I had touched one women’s life, my job was done. Since the release of my book I’ve received many emails, cards and letters from such women and it feels bloody fantastic. Now we just need the movie.”

“Tina, I love that attitude! And yes, we do need that movie! I think Julian Fellowes should help write the screenplay. He could do it gangbusters! It has been so much fun having you here today. I know you are very busy , but I’d like to talk about the very nice things you are giving away here today! I have the Pegasus drawn Carriage ready for you as it is still chilly here again today and you are used to those sunny California temps. I do hope you don’t mind. ”

“Tina is giving away the goodies in this picture: two signed bookmarks, a magnet, and signed bookmark and your choice of one of her books (Reckless Beginnings, Better Endings, Slater or Eve) in eBook form. All you have to do to win is share this spotlight on either Twitter or Facebook and comment below letting me know you did! I will pick a winner 5/15/20 11:59PM EST. Winner announced 5/18/20. Good luck all and thank you again for being my Book Dragons! “

My Fellow Book Dragons, please do look for Tina’s book and please drop a line below to thank her for being with us today. I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have.

As always, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

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  1. Hi, Tina and Book Dragon! It was great to get to know you a little better through this interview, Tina! I know your book will speak to me, and it is next after I finish the book I am reading—which is talking so long because I’m reading a bit slower these days. And it was great to be back in The Cave, vicariously, Book Dragon! I have shared to both my personal and author pages!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a very nice interview, Thank you for sharing. I will share it on my FB page, under Licha Haney. I am now reading Reckless Beginnings and I love it, my next read will be Better Endings.

    Liked by 1 person

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