Tea Time Tuesday

5 Flames

Welcome to Tea Time Tuesday, my Fellow Book Dragons. Today’s Gem is made of silver and has been moulded into the shape of a needle. A hypodermic needle. Careful, it’s very sharp..and deadly. This is Gem Maker Annelise Ryan’s “Needled To Death” the first book in her new “Helping Hands Mystery” series.

You may be familiar with one of the characters in the book. Medical Examiner Marie Winston who stars in her own series of mysteries. She makes an appearance in this cozy as well and you will be glad she did.

“Needled to Death” is the story of a mother seeking justice for the death of her son. His death, ruled as suicide by accidental overdose, is not being accepted by his mother, who believes it is murder. Enter Social Worker Hildy Schneider, Grief Counselor. She is going to try to solve this mystery with a little help from her friends.

I really enjoyed reading this one. It was tight, well written, great characters, true to it’s subject matter and even though it was heavy subject matter, it was an overall fun read. Ms. Ryan doesn’t waste space, time or characters.

If you are ready for a good mystery that goes well with a pot of tea on a nice Spring evening “Needled to Death” is for you. I’m ready for the next in this series!

Until tomorrow, as always, I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I received my copy of this book through Goodreads and #KensingtonMystery. My opinions are my own

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1 Comment

  1. This sounds like a great read, Thank you so much for sharing your review about it. I really like the cover .


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