Freakish Friday

5 Flames

It is once again Freakish Friday, My Fellow Book Dragons and this Friday is especially Freakish. Look at this Gem. It looks as though it is made of Ivory. A small cube, a die, carved with odd symbols. Hold it in your claw and it feels warm. Hold it too long and it cools the blood to ice. That’s it, yes, best to put it back in the black velvet bag it came from. But it’s not Ivory, it’s made from bone, human bone. It is formed of magick. This is Gem Maker and Dragon Feeder Michael Clark’s “Dead Woman Scorned” and is the second book in the ‘Patience of a Dead Man’ tale.

First, I want to let you know, at the end of this review there is a link to an interview with Michael about his third and final book in the series “Anger is An Acid”. You won’t want to miss it.

A first happened with ‘Dead Woman Scorned”. For the first time ever, in all my long years of reading, the sequel warranted a 5+! Unfortunately, my rating system only goes to a 5. Millie is unlike any antagonist I have ever read. I have never felt my heart strings pulled over a character as nasty as she is. Michael did it. He made me sorry for her.

Tim and Holly are finally free of Millie at the farm, or are they? Is this a respite or are they truly liberated? Will she let them live in the peace they have worked so hard to earn or will she decide that no one shall have peace?

The Simmons’ family is back in the picture as well. Seems Elizabeth has a great-grand nephew. Wonder how that will turn out? He’s a police officer. Will he be the one to solve the case of Millie and his aunt?

Oh Book Dragons! What a lovely, horrible, cold, terrifying bit of book this is. Four hundred pages that flew by far too quickly! I stayed up far into the night and on into the next day to finish this one! And you will, too! And it’s currently available on Kindle Unlimited for FREE! And Amazon has KU for 60 days FREE! Now is the time to get your deal. If you are like me and love to keep and read books like this again and again, you will definitely want to pick up the paperback, which is definitely reasonably priced.

Now for the interview link I promised you at the beginning:

Enjoy! Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I received a review copy of this book from the author #MichaelClark . My opinions are my own.

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