Freakish Friday

5 Flames

Hello my Fellow Book Dragons! Come in, grab a cuppa and warm your scales by the fire as we admire this week’s Freakish Friday Gem. This Gem is blood orange and carved in the shape of a flame. Hold it, feel it’s angry pulse, as though madness lies deep within. Quickly, put it back in the box. I cannot display it for fear someone may be too tempted and try to take it and then disaster all round. This is Gem Maker Ruth O’Neill’s “Tell Me Why”.

O’Neill has the spark for telling a Psychological Thriller as though, rather than reading her book, she was sitting across from me, here, as you are, retelling her eyewitness account over a pot of tea. I could not take my eyes away and I had to read until I was finished. I had to know why?!? Why!?

This is the story of Lauren. Early 30’s, hard working, good mates, loves her job and on a weekend away meets what she believes is her dream man. Enter Max, handsome, sexy, kind, helpful, a teacher. He meets Lauren and they hit it off swimmingly. They meet over a dead body. Who doesn’t dream of such kismet?

Suddenly, just when everything is going oh so right, Max is accused of the dead man’s murder. Lauren spends half her inheritance freeing him. She believes in him. She loves him unendurably. Will they live happily ever after or will this Fire Gem burn them both.

This is a must read. It is not an easy read by any stretch of the imagination, I felt as if I were there. The pain, the torture, the terror. I cannot give many details or I give it all away and I do not want to ruin this for you. This is well worth the cost which is very reasonable I assure you. Ruth O’Neill is a name we will be hearing about for years to come. Get yours now.

I do want to remind you the April Giveaway is still going. I do realize I have not posted a question the past two days, but I will be posting one this evening and revealing another prize in the question!

Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I received my copy of this book for review from the author #RuthONeill . My opinions are my own.

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