Throwback Thursday

5 Flames

Welcome my Fellow Book Dragons, to this week’s Throwback Thursday. Our Gem this evening takes us all the way back to the dawn of creation. This Gem is held in this ancient wooden box. The symbols are most likely not familiar to you, but the contents will be. It is an eye. A serpent’s eye. It changes colors and glitters in the light. You may see if for a moment, but for no longer, this is no ordinary serpent’s eye.. this is a replica of the eye of THE SERPENT. The one that tempted Adam and Eve in Eden and so brought the downfall of us all. This is Gem Maker Brennan S. McPherson’s “Eden”.

I loved this book. I have never liked Biblical Fiction that takes itself too dogmatically. For one thing a 1 to 10 minute passage in the Bible cannot be written about fictionally in 1-10 minutes. Artistic license is certainly going to be key. But Historical Biblical Fiction is different and McPherson shows us why. He used only one source and that is the Bible. He does something I greatly appreciated, he explains how he wrote the book, based the book and at the end explains his rationale and invites readers to send him their kudos and complaints and is willing to change things if he believes the argument is warranted.

But what I loved most about this book is that McPherson’s characters are NOT plaster saints. They do not regret what they have done and spend 200 pages trying to rectify it. They get confused, frustrated, upset, gripe, snipe, snap and argue with each other. This Adam and Eve feel real. In everything from being created in the Garden of Eden to being forced into the wilderness to 600 years later when Adam is sitting by a bonfire talking to Enoch.

If you, too, love great biblical fiction, get this one.. or if you are just introducing someone to Biblical Fiction, this is a great series to start with. Until tomorrow I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I received this copy of Eden from #McPhersonBooks and  #HFVBTBlogTours . My opinions are my own.

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