Sacred Sunday

5 Flames

Welcome to Sacred Sunday. I do hope you have had a good weekend. Tonight’s Gem is quite fascinating. It is a blue gem, most likely a sapphire, found outside a ruined church destroyed in an earthquake. It was found near the body of the bride and was most likely from her ‘something blue’. It hums with energy and an odd light, as though it captured some brilliance during the earthquake. If you put it up to your ear you can hear faint singing, as though from a choir. This is Gem Maker Suzanne Leonhard’s “The Goliath Code”.

It is the story of Seraphina and the small Washington town she lives in after a huge set of earthly disasters nearly wipe out everything. She has a secret that she has told no one for fear of appearing insane. She saw her mother leave during the earthquake’s devastation at the church during her cousin’s wedding. Not die mind you, but leave. Her mother was hiding she and her brother in the floor under the Baptismal Font and as she was closing the trapdoor, Seraphina saw her mother enveloped in a large bubble of pure, white light and she was gone.

Seraphina cannot just fall apart, the teenager is responsible for her brother David, she needs to find her father who works in Seattle. Her grandfather is the Sheriff and he’s caring for her. Everyone in town is effected in some way. This is no time to fall apart and act like a nutter. She understands this and holds what she knows a secret, pulls on her big girl pantaloons and gets to work, her grief will wait.

This is an excellent post apocalyptic story. Too often these stories are hopeless, angry and ho-hum, not this one. This is spoken of in the voice of a 16 year old girl and it is very well done. I like Seraphina. As a matter of fact I liked many of the characters in this novel. The ones I didn’t like, were clearly unlikeable. Ms. Leonhard does a very good job of world building, character creation and since her premise has a Biblical basis, she does a good job there, as well. She doesn’t read a lot into it, is not tenacious in her theology (one can not be in post-apocalyptica) and she has her characters playing real roles. No one is overly rich, overly confident and most of all no one in this book is a saint but there are good hearted people.

I was curious as to how this particular situation would be handled as I have read at least 9 different books and/or series on the Second Coming. This is extremely well done, and the situations are not far fetched. If you like this genre or are just getting in to it, I would highly suggest “The Goliath Code” and the second book in the series is now out “Prophet”. Both books are currently free on Kindle Unlimited.

Please do not forget to check out the April Giveaway! Until tomorrow, I remain, your humble Book Dragon,

Drakon T. Longwitten

I received this book at my request to review from author Suzanne Leonhard. My opinions are my own.

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  1. I have not read any post apocalyptic stories. It is a genre that always sounded too depressing. From your review, it sounds like this is a bit of a variation on the usual story. It sounds interesting enough for me to give it a try.

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