Freakish Friday

5 Flames

Welcome to this evening’s Freakish Friday, my fellow Book Dragons. Today is St. Valentine’s Day and I do hope you had a good one. If you do not have a sweetheart I hope you showed yourself some kindness and did something nice for you. After all, you know you better than anyone, who else should get you a little something nice, perhaps this next Gem we are about to examine, eh? This is a Moonstone, iridescent, glowing, beautiful with a touch of danger and destiny about it. See it’s shape? It has been carved into a shape symbolic of the city of it’s birth, New Orleans, the French Quarter to be exact, where nothing is quite ordinary or normal and magic fills the air, also known as The Crescent City. This is Gem Maker Nola Nash’s “Crescent City Moon”.

Freakish Book Dragons will love this story set in 1820’s New Orleans. Here we find Black Magic, a French Witch and her daughter, Solene, just a child, a curse and all the usual and the unusual that comes with any good writer worth their salt working with that ripe, bursting material that is the lady Orleans…Nash knows her city and it is easy to tell. She builds this story from the ground up, starting with a trio of gentrified young ladies spending an evening around a tarot table playing “the game”. We have a legend of a French Witch, a cursed child raised by Ursuline Nuns just outside the Quarter, the graves, the black, wrought iron fences, the black draperied wreath that hangs on a door where a twenty-first birthday banner should hang instead. There are slaves rumors and more here. This is just what you need on a cold winter night. Something to make you shiver besides the weather.

Nash doesn’t waste a drop of atmosphere, making sure her characters, their conversations, placement and timing are perfect. This is the stuff of tales told late at night so that the one to put the cat out doesn’t want to go, the guests who stayed too late are wishing they’d taken one up on that guest room offer, this is surely no time to be leaving a warmly lit house, at this hour?

Grab a copy, quick as you can, you won’t be sorry. It is available on Amazon

Free on Kindle Unlimited and reasonably priced in paperback! Until tomorrow I remain, your humble Book Dragon, Drakon T. Longwitten

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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