Freakish Friday

5 Flames

Welcome to Freakish Friday my Fellow Book Dragons. I hope your week has gone well. Our Gem this evening is a piece of Amber. It seems a bit dull, but watch what happens when we hold it up in the moonlight…ahhh.. there it is.. see the glow and shimmer? It lights up so brightly then, but can you feel the vibrations in your claws, as though it were very much alive? That’s because this is not ordinary amber piece, this came from the eye of a creature. This is Gem Maker D. Wayne Harbison’s “Shadows on the Road Not Taken”.

Imagine you wake up one day to find yourself thirteen again. You know everything you know now. You are, internally, the age you are presently, I for example, would still be 555 years old, but bodily, I would only be 13. Freakish to think of, isn’t it? What would you do? Would you make all the same decisions you made before or would you take the road you didn’t travel? The one Frost spoke of in his well known poem? Would you pick the same classes? Play the same sports? Or do something completely different? Would you care so much about what other kids thought of you or date the same people? You get a bonafide second chance with all the wisdom you have gained..what would you do?

Well that is exactly what happens to Lance McKnight, 56 years old, both parents deceased, living his life as best he can, with all the regrets and consequences of the decisions made ever so long ago. Except there is a bit of a wrench in the works. Lance is better than he was the first time around. He can see better, hear better, he’s physically stronger, more agile, swifter and faster and wiser. And he knows..

He knows that what roams the swamp around his parent’s new home isn’t a bear as the forest rangers want to believe. He has seen it. He has telepathically communicated with it. He has smelled it and breathed the same air and he has made eye contact. Lance understands it. This is not your average 13 year old life.

I am not going to tell more, because I am not going to spoil this for you. I am going to say, I really liked this book. This is Harbison’s debut novel. I actually met him at Wizardfest in Ironton, Ohio last Autumn. I could tell right off the bat he was an excellent Teller of Tales by the twinkle in his eyes. He autographed a book for me and asked if I would review it. I was happy, too. This book is perfect for a cold, foggy, blustery January night. A swampy Alabama mansion, a plantation owner gone mad, a family murdered, a curse..ahh but I said I wasn’t going to give you spoilers..shame on your old Book Dragon!

This book is available on Kindle Unlimited for free or Kindle for an extremely reasonable price.

Until tomorrow I remain, your humble Book Dragon, Drakon T. Longwitten

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