Tea Time Tuesday

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Welcome to Tea Time Tuesday my fellow Tome Tasting Tarasques. Tonight’s Gem is quite a sight to see. It is similar to kaleidoscope jasper, opaque, many faceted and hard to get a handle on for there are many different aspects here, but once studied, the true nature of the Gem becomes quite clear. This is “Guilty Until Proven Innocent” by Gem Maker “Mustang” Patty.

Imagine you are at home. You very rarely go out. You’re bipolar and you suffer from borderline personality disorder. Your day mainly consists of doing house work, cooking supper for your husband and watching lots of crime shows, especially Law and Order. Life isn’t great, but you and your spouse are making it work. Then one day, a Friday, late in the afternoon, there is a pounding at the door. Not a knock, a pounding.

You get there and open it. You are met by two police officers and they tell you that you are under arrest…suddenly you are handcuffed and whisked off to the police station. On the way there you find out why. You are now accused of murder. You haven’t left your house in three weeks, but you are now accused of murder. Who? You try to think who you would want to murder.

At the police station they tell you that you have murdered your mother-in-law. You do the smart thing because that’s what they do on Law and Order, you don’t say a word, you ask for a lawyer. And this is where the fun begins boys and girls. This is where we all begin to take ‘Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride’.

Mustang Patty’s Jill Adair is now so far out of her element she has no idea what to do and slowly her husband Derrick and she figure out the pieces. They will help us begin to meet an interesting cast of characters in a bid to save Jill’s life. Tom Sorrell, the famous defense attorney. Bernie Wilson, police detective. Andy Schiff, Prosecuting Attorney. Derrick Adair’s jealous and malicious sisters: Rachel and Shelley, and so many more.

This book is deliciously juicy. A murder mystery with more twists and turns than Edgar Allan Poe absinthe and acid. Alfred Hitchcock would have loved this for one of his Hitchcock Presents episodes. The courtroom scenes are fantastic. The machinations of Jill’s slowly unhinging mind as she ruminates day by day as the courtroom drama plays out will send chills down your spine. Who is responsible for the death of her mother-in-law and why did Jill get blamed? Is this all false? Is this all a dream? I will never, ever tell because I don’t do spoilers.. I will tell you this.. if you don’t read this book, you will be sorry because you will miss out on one of the best Crime Dramas of the year! It’s now available on Amazon and anywhere you purchase fine books. Get one for that Crime Fiction Fan on your gift list!

Until tomorrow I remain, your humble Book Dragon, Drakon T. Longwitten

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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