Saturday’s Child

4 Flames

Welcome my dearest Book Dragons to another Saturday’s Child. I know many of you are in the midst of holiday preparations and all the buzz and excitement that goes along with them, but allow yourself to sit a wee spell and relax over a bowl of hot punch and admire a most wonderful Gem. This Gem is oval in form, see how it shimmers and glows in the light, even the dimmest light allows it to cast off radiance from within. It bursts forth occasionally with a bright blue pulse. It’s magic is clearly great indeed. It doesn’t depend on what One can see or touch or taste, but rather it gathers it’s energy from what One believes can happen and what the world around us is capable of. It’s delightful! This is ‘A Moth in the Flames’ by Gem Maker S. E. Turner.

S.E. Turner has built an amazing world with her series “The Kingdom of Durundal”, and this book is actually the last, book five. I do so wish I had had the opportunity to read all five in order. This book captivated me from the beginning. When one of the first sentences states the dragons were watching Cornelius, how could it not!?

Cornelius is met by a beautiful human like being, who offers him a deal of sorts. He will help her father a daughter in order to fulfill a prophecy and in return, no man will ever kill him. Immortality in exchange for a night with a beautiful being? Parent’s please note, there was nothing graphic, nor untoward here.

The daughter,Sansara (isn’t that a beautiful name), is the child who results and will be the prophesied child. She is beautiful and gentle, with green eyes and dark hair. She loves the place where she lives with her mother and sisters. When she is sixteen she is sent to live on an island alone to fulfill her destiny. This is where the story unfolds and keeps going, taking us on a magical ride reminiscent of Lewis or Tolkien but on a less grand, but no less interesting scale.

I loved this book. The characters are interesting, well written, and magical without being completely over the top. They can be related to. The world itself comes complete with map so we don’t get lost, discombobulated or lose interest because there is too much jumping around and the creatures, adventures and interaction is marvelous.

I would not suggest this for children younger than 11 or 12 and when the kids are finished with it, sit right down with a jug of hot chocolate, or a pot of tea and settle in to read it yourself, just remember, it’s their Christmas or Hanukkah gift so you have to GIVE IT BACK…lol.. better yet.. order a copy for yourself as well.. order the whole set for the entire family, read it together! It is free on Kindle Unlimited right now and the paperback is very reasonably priced!

Until tomorrow I remain, your humble Book Dragon, Drakon T. Longwitten

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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