Mystery Monday

4 Flames

Welcome to another Mystery Monday, my fellow Book Dragons. I hope this day has treated you well and you are ready to settle down to this evening’s Gem. This Gem is deep red with strands glistening black running through it. It reminds One of revenge and stirs the fires of anger and feels almost painful to touch. This Gem was made by S.W. Frontz in her debut “When the Morning Comes”. This is the first book in her ‘Land’s End’ series.

Let us examine this one a little more closely. “When the Morning Comes” is the story of Andy and Samantha Patrick. For 37 years they have lived on the Island of Land’s End. He is the local sheriff and together they have raised a daughter, Delaney, and now have a grandson, Avery. Life is good. They have tried to move on from the past. A past clouded by one horrific event in 1978. An event that has revenge written all over it. And as Samantha is about to find out, someone is holding the pen.

I really liked this novel. It is written in present tense with a series of flashbacks that are clearly set and explain the issues effecting present day events. The characters of Samantha and Andy are likable, their conversations realistic and their love for each other and their family heartwarming, but this does not make the book itself unbelievable. I did read two critiques of this book before I actually got a copy for myself (I don’t normally do this as a practice) and I thought it odd that people mentioned the book had “graphic violence” and sensitive people be warned. Okay, I am going to say something about that now.

Bad things happen in this world. Murders, beatings, families are not always happy families, Dragon’s eat Knights and Knights kill Dragons. It is the way of the world. If One wants to stick One’s head in the sand I completely understand, not every book is for every person, even your humble Book Dragon has his limits in what he wants to retain in his handsome Noggin’s Little Grey Cells, to use a phrase from his friend Poirot. That said, if the book is a MURDER MYSTERY or CRIME NOVEL, you shouldn’t need a warning, there is bound to be violence. Just mark those off your list of TBR’s (To Be Reads) and move on.

Moving on myself, I also liked the way Frontz handles her bad guys. She has racists, wife beaters, drug dealers, rapists, murderers, prostitutes, pimps and if I left anything out, it wasn’t on purpose. These are bad people. She doesn’t pussy foot around here. And though some could have been a bit less repentant, this is a debut novel and I am sure that as she moves forward we will see more bravery in this realm, these bad guys did what these bad guys needed to do for this story.

Overall, I really did like this story and I can’t wait to devour the next book in the series. You can purchase this book on Amazon by going here:

Until tomorrow I remain, Drakon T. Longwitten, your humble Book Dragon

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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